Mr Steve Wasserman, Christopher Hitchens' literary agent, kindly replied to my query about a possible memorial. Posted with permission.
"In accordance with Christopher’s wishes, his body was donated to medical research. Memorial gatherings will occur next year."
What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

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Vanity Fair Christopher Hitchens—the incomparable critic, masterful rhetorician, fiery wit, and fearless bon vivant—died today at the ag...
By Christopher Hitchens "I am sometimes asked whether I ever get tired of debating the faithful. There are two reasons why I never do...
Clips from the HitchFry event at Royal Festival Hall, Nov 9. Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie, Richard Dawkins
In Britain, the Guardian takes on Rupert Murdoch's cynical view of what newspaper readers want to read. By Christopher Hitchens ...
By Peter Hitchens "It's amusing, if frustrating, to see the response of dogmatic unbelievers to my brother's thoughtful and ...
By Christopher Hitchens E ver since I was felled in mid-book tour this summer, I have adored and seized all chances to play catch-up and...
Funeral and Memorial arrangements By Peter Hitchens Some people have asked me when and where my brother’s funeral took place. In fact, a...
Friday, November 26, 2010. Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, Canada. The official resolution, "Be it resolved, religion is a force of good for...
Men like Bishop Eddie Long are fouling the legacy of the civil rights movement. By Christopher Hitchens " Passing through Union Stati...

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Baruch Spinoza

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Bertrand Russell

Leon Trotsky

Rosa Luxemburg

Memorial gatherings and the body of Christ(opher)
December 24, 2011Posted by Tom at 20:16 72 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, medical research, Memorial
Forced Merriment: The True Spirit of Christmas
Ever since Tom Lehrer recorded his imperishable anti-Christmas ditty all those years ago, the small but growing minority who view the end of December with existential dread has had a seasonal "carol" all of its own:
Christmas time is here by golly: disapproval would be folly. Deck the halls with hunks of holly, fill the cup and don't say when. Kill the turkeys, ducks and chickens, mix the punch, drag out the Dickens. Even though the prospect sickens—brother, here we go again.
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Posted by Tom at 19:45 9 comments
Labels: 2011, Christmas, Christopher Hitchens, Tom Lehrer, WSJ
Remembering Christopher Hitchens
By Lawrence Krauss
The world, which Christopher Hitchens would have happily admitted was already pretty dark, got a little darker yesterday. With his death, it also got a lot emptier.
Christopher was a beacon of knowledge and light in a world that constantly threatens to extinguish both. He had the courage to accept the world for just what it is, and not what we would like it to be. That is the highest praise I believe one can give to any intellect. He understood that the Universe doesn’t care about our existence, or our welfare, and epitomized the realization that our lives have meaning only to the extent we give them meaning.
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For our Finnish visitors
Matti Apusen kolumni Yhden miehen totuuskomissio (
Kultakuume, Yle Radio 1, 'Hitchens ja kriittisyyden abc'
Posted by Tom at 06:25 9 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Lawrence Krauss, Matti Apunen
Lawrence Krauss on CNN
Posted by Tom at 06:06 10 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, cnn, Lawrence Krauss
Tardy thanks for Christopher Hitchens
December 21, 2011By Windsor Mann, editor of “The Quotable Hitchens: From Alcohol to Zionism”
It’s hard to say anything about Christopher Hitchens that hasn’t been said already, but it’s even harder to say nothing. Hitchens died last week, a year-and-a-half after he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. He and I were not lifelong friends or family members, but I got to know him fairly well. We met nearly seven years ago, and it’s safe to say that, during this time, Hitchens mattered more to me than I did to him.
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Posted by Tom at 17:43 4 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Windsor Mann
A lesson from Hitch: When rudeness is called for
December 19, 2011By Dan Dennett
I’ve just been reviewing my experiences with Christopher Hitchens.
He informed me, entertained me, provoked me like nobody else, and I will miss his antic spirit more than I can say. I didn’t know him for long, though I’d been reading his pieces, with mixed reactions, for years. We met in early 2007, and had dinner in Las Vegas, where we were both appearing in an Amazing Randi meeting. He kindled a happy bonfire of discussion that continued intermittently in meetings and emails.
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Posted by Tom at 06:06 4 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett
December 18, 2011By Sam Harris
The moment it was announced that Christopher Hitchens was sick with cancer, eulogies began spilling into print and from the podium. No one wanted to deny the possibility that he would recover, of course, but neither could we let the admiration we felt for him go unexpressed. It is a cliché to say that he was one of a kind and none can fill his shoes—but Hitch was and none can. In his case not even the most effusive tributes ring hollow. There was simply no one like him.
Posted by Tom at 19:36 8 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Hitch, Sam Harris
UK Channel 4 Tribute
Posted by Tom at 10:02 4 comments
Labels: 2011, Channel 4, Christopher Hitchens, Ian McEwan, tribute
Hitch (1949-2011): Paxman & Schama
Posted by Tom at 06:35 4 comments
Labels: 2011, BBC, Christopher Hitchens
'The consummate writer, the brilliant friend'
December 17, 2011By Ian McEwan
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Posted by Tom at 11:12 2 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Ian McEwan
A Man of Style and Wit
By Stephen Fry
Almost as many words have been written about Christopher Hitchens since he died as he would write in a typical working week. He was one of very, very few people on earth whom I would have missed just as much had I never had the pleasure and fortune of knowing him. He lit fires in people’s minds. He was an educator.
Read more (The Daily Beast)
Posted by Tom at 08:34 6 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Stephen Fry
Illness made Christopher Hitchens a symbol of the honesty and dignity of atheism.
On 7 October, I recorded a long conversation with Christopher Hitchens in Houston, Texas, for the Christmas edition of New Statesman which I was guest-editing. He looked frail, and his voice was no longer the familiar Richard Burton boom; but, though his body had clearly been diminished by the brutality of cancer, his mind and spirit had not.
We will be publishing a selection of Christopher Hitchens obituaries, and posting them all in this one thread. So please keep checking back, as it will be updated from time to time over the next few days.
Posted by Tom at 07:17 6 comments
Labels: 2011, atheism, Christopher Hitchens, obituaries, Richard Dawkins
Hitchens' memoir to be published early next year
December 16, 2011Entitled Mortality and based on his columns for Vanity Fair, Christopher Hitchens' final memoir will be published by Atlantic in the new year.
The forthcoming memoir will be based on the essays, said Atlantic Books, and will be called Mortality. The book had been planned for some time, said a spokesperson.
Posted by Tom at 20:30 5 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, memoir, Mortality
In Memoriam, my courageous brother Christopher, 1949-2011
By Peter Hitchens
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Posted by Tom at 19:50 6 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Peter Hitchens
In Memoriam: Christopher Hitchens, 1949–2011
Vanity Fair
Christopher Hitchens—the incomparable critic, masterful rhetorician, fiery wit, and fearless bon vivant—died today at the age of 62. Hitchens was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in the spring of 2010, just after the publication of his memoir, Hitch-22, and began chemotherapy soon after.
Posted by Tom at 07:26 166 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens
Preview: Richard Dawkins interviews Christopher Hitchens
December 13, 2011"Never be afraid of stridency"
Richard Dawkins: One of my main beefs with religion is the way they label children as a "Catholic child" or a "Muslim child". I've become a bit of a bore about it.
Christopher Hitchens: You must never be afraid of that charge, any more than stridency.
Read more (New Statesman)
Posted by Tom at 16:08 17 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, interview, religion, Richard Dawkins, Texas
New Statesman Christmas Issue
December 9, 2011
Posted by Tom at 05:49 6 comments
Labels: 2011, Christmas, Christopher Hitchens, interview, New Statesman, Richard Dawkins, Texas
Trial of the Will
December 7, 2011Vanity Fair | January 2012
By Christopher Hitchens
When it came to it, and old Kingsley suffered from a demoralizing and disorienting fall, he did take to his bed and eventually turned his face to the wall. It wasn’t all reclining and waiting for hospital room service after that—“Kill me, you fucking fool!” he once alarmingly exclaimed to his son Philip—but essentially he waited passively for the end. It duly came, without much fuss and with no charge.
Read more.
Hitchens orbits Mars, Jupiter, and Earth.
Asteroid Named for Christopher Hitchens
By Juli Weiner | Vanity Fair
An asteroid discovered by Ted Bowell, the former director of the Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search, has been named after Vanity Fair contributing editor Christopher Hitchens.
Posted by Tom at 06:25 6 comments
Labels: 2011, asteroid, Christopher Hitchens, Ted Bowell, Vanity Fair
The New Gaffe
November 28, 2011How the Republican presidential candidates are benefiting from their “gaffes”: They’re not unforgivable, just
Posted by Tom at 21:12 9 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, gaffe, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, president, Republicans, Rick Perry, Slate
Hitch’s Rolls-Royce mind is still purring
November 25, 2011The great polemicist is certain to be remembered, but perhaps not as he would like.
By George Eaton
"Nothing concentrates the mind more than reading about oneself in the past tense", quipped Christopher Hitchens on discovering that his death had been prematurely announced by the National Portrait Galler. A catalogue previewing an exhibition entitled "Martin Amis and Friends" had included a photograph of the polemicist, erroneously captioned, "the late Christopher Hitchens". A month later, he was diagnosed with inoperable cancer, lending his words a haunting new resonance.
Read more (New Statesman)
Posted by Tom at 00:05 3 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, George Eaton, Ian McEwan, New Statesman, polemicist, Stephen Fry
In God They Trust
November 21, 2011How the conservative belief in American exceptionalism has become a matter of faith.
By Christopher Hitchens
A small group of colonies manages to break away from a large empire in the closing years of the 18th century. The resulting state would probably be not much more than the Chile of the Northeast—a long littoral ribbon between the mountains and the ocean—if it were not for the imperial rivalries that allow for the rapid growth of the new republic’s influence.
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Posted by Tom at 19:09 4 comments
Labels: 2011, America, Christopher Hitchens, conservatives, GOP, In God They Trust, Slate, superpower
Because Our Fathers Lied
November 13, 2011Remembering our veterans and reflecting on the glorious ambiguity of Rudyard Kipling's war poetry.
By Christopher Hitchens
I spent much of this weekend, as I often do this time of year, confining myself to writing and thinking about Rudyard Kipling. This may seem like a pretentious thing to be saying, but if you care about war and peace and justice and life and death, then he is an inescapable subject. The same is true if you care about modern English literature, which for no less inescapable reasons is intimately bound up with the great catastrophe of mortality that overcame British families between August 1914 and November 1918.
Read more (Slate)
Posted by Tom at 15:07 2 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Gayle McLaughlin, poetry, Rudyard Kipling, Slate, Veterans Day, war, WW1
Stephen Fry and Friends on Hitch, reviews
November 10, 2011An evening for Christopher Hitchens
Stephen Fry and Co. on the Life, Loves and Hates of Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens night: a review
HitchFry Clips
Clips from the HitchFry event at Royal Festival Hall, Nov 9.
Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie, Richard Dawkins
November 9, 2011Posted by Tom at 16:41 29 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, To Hitch
'Arguably' on PW's Best Books of 2011 list.
November 8, 2011
Publishers Weekly
"We’ve just released our Best Books of 2011, the 100 adult and 40 children’s titles of 2011 we think everyone should read. Now we want to know what you think.
Vote on which of our top 10 picks is your favorite in the poll below, or write in your favorite 2011 book. We’ll announce the winning book in an upcoming issue of PW."
Vote here.
Posted by Tom at 05:39 1 comments
Labels: 2011, Arguably, Best Books 2011, Christopher Hitchens, poll, Publishers Weekly
Herman and Hamid
Why is it so hard to speak honestly about allegations of sexual harassment or our corrupt ally in Afghanistan?
By Christopher Hitchens
There were two generally depressing controversies last week, in both of which an exercise of free speech might have done more harm than good. The first concerns our disordered policy in Afghanistan and the second our ongoing and increasingly dishonest discussion of sexual harassment.
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Posted by Tom at 00:59 8 comments
Labels: 2011, Afghanistan, Christopher Hitchens, Hamid Karzai, Herman Cain, Slate
Widow of Opportunity
November 4, 2011Vanity Fair December 2011
By Christopher Hitchens
If you were to set a competition for the headline most unlikely to appear in an American magazine, the winning entry would surely be jackie tacky or tacky jackie. In her life and even posthumously, it always somehow fell to Jackie Kennedy to raise the tone. An exacting task in her case, and exquisitely so when one appreciates that she had to raise the tone without ever actually admitting that the tone could use a bit of raising.
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SBS Dateline: Fighting Faith
October 30, 2011
Watch it on YouTube
"The annual Texas Freethought Convention draws atheists, agnostics and humanists from around the world, and this year Christopher Hitchens is the star attraction.
David Brill meets the renowned writer and thinker, as he battles cancer and uses the last of his strength to denounce religion as immoral."
HitchFry Update!
October 25, 2011
Intelligence Squared
Three ways to watch it Live - Two ways to watch it later.
More info
via Why Evolution is True
Anne Crumpacker’s new website on secular parenting dedicated to Hitchens.
"If you’re a regular here, you’ll surely remember the story of Mason Crumpacker, the eight-year-old Texas girl who asked Christopher Hitchens to advise her on good books to read. It was a touching story, complete with Mason’s heartfelt thank-you letter to Hitch and a narrative of the episode written by Anne Crumpacker, Mason’s mom."
What Will They Think of Next?
October 24, 2011Why the crazy Iranian plot to pay Mexicans to kill the Saudi ambassador isn’t so implausible.
By Christopher Hitchens
There may conceivably be a reason to doubt the truth of the Obama administration’s claim that the “Quds Force” of the Islamic Republic of Iran went into the free market for murder in order to suborn the killing of the Saudi ambassador to the United States. But neither the apparently surreal nor the apparently flagrant nature of the thing would constitute such reasons.
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Posted by Tom at 19:17 1 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Germany, iran, Mykonos, Roya Hakakian, Saudi ambassador, Slate
The New Libya’s First Mistake
October 21, 2011Muammar Qaddafi should not have been killed, and his surviving son should be captured.
By Christopher Hitchens
Surrendering to a feeling of deep impotence and slight absurdity, I borrowed an iPad on Thursday afternoon and used it to send my first-ever message by this means. It was addressed to one of those distinguished Frenchmen who have been at the fore in pressing the outside world to remove Muammar Qaddafi from the obscene toadlike posture in which, for more than four decades, he has squatted on the lives of the Libyan people.
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Posted by Tom at 18:41 9 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Libya, Muammar Qaddafi, Mutassim, Slate
Hitchens - Fry LIVE on
£5.00 GBP
(Watch Live! Plus 30 Days Unlimited Viewing)
Don't miss this chance to hear famed public intellectual and truth-teller Christopher Hitchens and his good friend, actor and writer Stephen Fry as they discuss politics, literature and, as Hitchens puts it, "the things that make life worth defending – foes like faith and false consolation."
More Info
Posted by Tom at 16:37 2 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens,, Intelligence Squared, Stephen Fry
The Village Voice Bookshop 2009
October 20, 2011The Village Voice is an English-language bookshop in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, the heart of literary Paris.
Part 1.
Hitchens - Fry Update
Due to the huge demand for this sold out event, there will be live HD screenings in selected cinemas across the UK.
More Info:
Romney’s Mormon Problem
October 17, 2011Mitt Romney and the weird and sinister beliefs of Mormonism.
By Christopher Hitchens
I have no clear idea whether Pastor Robert Jeffress is correct in referring to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, more colloquially known as the Mormons, as “a cult.” There do seem to be one or two points of similarity. The Mormons have a supreme leader, known as the prophet or the president, whose word is allegedly supreme.
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Posted by Tom at 18:44 5 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Mitt Romney, Mormon, religion, Rick Perry, Slate
Submit your video to the Hitchens project
October 16, 2011At reddit a video tribute project has been launched.
Here's the plan:
1. Make a short video. Aim for about 1 min length, give or take. Say anything you like, keeping in mind the nature of the effort. The only thing we ask is:
2. Close your video by raising a glass. It has been pointed out that Johnny Walker Black is Hitchens' drink, but obviously use what you like.
3. Email your video to Use any means you like to send the file, but YouSendIt and WeTransfer are recommended if your regular email doesn't cooperate. has minimal registration requirements, and WeTransfer has a 2G capacity and no registration. Speaking of file submission specs:
4. Keep the file size as small as is reasonable for now. We don't know how many submissions we will ultimately get. Quicktime & mov have been offered as desirable submission formats, but obviously the editors will do their best to work with whatever you're able to turn in.
Learn more:
Posted by Tom at 15:39 14 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens,, video tribute
Christopher Hitchens in conversation with Stephen Fry
October 13, 2011Southbank Centre / Royal Festival Hall
November 9, 2011. 8.30pm
"In this special event for Intelligence Squared, Hitchens will be in conversation via satellite in Washington with his friend Stephen Fry who'll be on stage live at Royal
Festival Hall. This is a chance to hear one of the great public intellectuals of our age discussing politics, literature and, as he puts it, 'the things that make life worth defending - foes like faith and false consolation'.
Tickets and Info:
Mason Crumpacker and the Hitchens reading list
October 12, 2011
Why Evolution Is True has a great post on Hitchens encounter with 8 year old Mason, who wanted to know what books she should read.
Read it here.
"I’m not going to quit until I absolutely have to"
October 11, 2011Photos by Brett Buchanan, photographer and multimedia producer, at the Texas Freethought Convention in Houston 2011 .
Hitchens and Dawkins at the Texas Freethought Convention in Houston 2011
October 10, 2011
Texas Freethought Conv:
The Dawkins/Hitchens speeches and Q&A will be available soon in professional quality video.
The actual conference DVD set will be on sale soon, but the Dawkins/Hitchens event will be a FREEBIE on behalf of the RDF, TFC, AAA and the professional film crew who make their living helping our movement.
Believe Me - It's Torture
BBC Radio 4
By Christopher Hitchens. A selection of the polemical journalist's essays. Read by Roger Allam.
Listen here (15 minutes). Available for 7 days.
Honouring Christopher Hitchens
Text of speech presenting the Richard Dawkins Award on behalf of Atheist Alliance of America, Houston, 8th October 2011
"Today I am called upon to honour a man whose name will be joined, in the history of our movement, with those of Bertrand Russell, Robert Ingersoll, Thomas Paine, David Hume. He is a writer and an orator with a matchless style, commanding a vocabulary and a range of literary and historical allusion far wider than anybody I know. And I live in Oxford, his alma mater and mine."
Lord Haw Haw and Anwar al-Awlaki
What the execution of a World War II traitor can teach us about assassinating American-born terrorists.
By Christopher Hitchens
The first thing to say, when reviewing the question of what America should do about those of its citizens who advocate the murder of random numbers of its civilians, is that it is flat-out astonishing to see the debate being conducted at all. Faced with jeering, sniggering, vicious saboteurs who hide from the daylight and pop up on blog and cheap CDs, calmly awarding religious permission for the capricious taking of life, what do we imagine Vladimir Putin would do?
Posted by Tom at 20:59 0 comments
Labels: 2011, Anwar al-Awlaki, Christopher Hitchens, Slate, terrorism
A Voice, Still Vibrant, Reflects on Mortality
![]() |
Hitchens, journalist Matthew Chapman, Dawkins, Carol Blue |
HOUSTON — Christopher Hitchens, probably the country’s most famous unbeliever, received the Freethinker of the Year Award at the annual convention of the Atheist Alliance of America here on Saturday. Mr. Hitchens was flattered by the honor, he said a few days beforehand, but also a little abashed.
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Posted by Tom at 05:16 1 comments
Labels: 2011, Arguably, cancer, Christopher Hitchens, Texas, The New York Times
Hitchens makes first public appearance in months
October 9, 2011By Geoff Berg
"Hitchens’ speech did not disappoint. He talked about his illness and noted that over the last year, he’d been coming to Houston regularly for treatment, presumably at MD Anderson Cancer Center. He was emphatic that though his “time” is rapidly approaching, he wouldn’t stop doing his best to shed light on the fraudulent claims made by religion, a line that brought the crowd to its feet."
Read More:
Hitch isn’t done yet
PZ Myers reports from the Texas Freethought Convention
"Christopher Hitchens was granted the Richard Dawkins Award tonight at the Texas Freethought Convention. He was looking frail and thin, his voice was husky, but he was amazingly strong."
Dawkins and Hitchens on stage:
Book of the Week - Arguably
October 5, 2011A selection of the polemical journalist's essays. Read by Roger Allam.
First up 'Believe Me - It's Torture.' Hitchens confronts the issue of whether waterboarding is torture, by being waterboarded himself.
Starting Monday October 10, 2011.
Posted by Tom at 05:59 0 comments
Labels: 2011, Arguably, BBC Radio 4, Book of the Week, Christopher Hitchens, torture, waterboarding
Citizen Enemies
October 3, 2011Those who protest the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki have to say what they would have done instead.
By Christopher Hitchens
Probably because it mainly provides the kind of short-term cinematic satisfaction that characterizes the Hellfire terminus, the flashy ending of al-Qaida’s main media star has only led to the reopening of some pressing questions about the nature of the jihadi menace.
Posted by Tom at 21:45 8 comments
Labels: 2011, Anwar al-Awlaki, Christopher Hitchens, Jihad, Slate, terrorism, Yemen
Pakistan Is the Enemy
September 26, 2011We know that Pakistan's intelligence service is aiding terrorists. What are we going to do about it?
By Christopher Hitchens
In Joseph Heller's Catch-22, Lt. Milo Minderbinder transforms the mess accounts of the American airbase under his care into a "syndicate" under whose terms all servicemen are potential stakeholders. But this prince of entrepreneurs and middlemen eventually becomes overexposed, especially after some incautious forays into Egyptian cotton futures, and is forced to resort to some amoral subterfuges.
Posted by Tom at 19:05 0 comments
Labels: 2011, Barack Obama, Christopher Hitchens, enemy, ISI, Pakistan, Slate, terrorists
Hitchens in Houston, October 8, 2011
September 23, 2011Atheist Alliance of America
"Christopher Hitchens has confirmed his intent go attend the AAA Convention in Houston on October 8th, to receive the Richard Dawkins Award for Freethinker of the Year. He will also be available to sign copies of his new book "Arguably", which will be for sale at the Convention."
Inside the Orgone Box
The New York Times - Sunday Book Review
Christopher Hitchens reviews
How the Sexual Revolution Came to America
By Christopher Turner
In the classic confessional memoir “The God That Failed,” Arthur Koestler describes some of the characters who made up the constituency of his Communist Party group in Berlin in the early 1930s: “Among other members of our cell, I remember Dr. Wilhelm Reich. He . . . had just published a book called ‘The Function of the Orgasm,’ in which he had expounded the theory that the sexual frustration of the proletariat caused a thwarting of its political consciousness; only through a full, uninhibited release of the sexual urge could the working class realize its revolutionary potentialities and historic mission; the whole thing was less cockeyed than it sounds.”
Read More
Knock-down brilliance
Arguably by Christopher Hitchens - The Independent
Review by Fred Inglis
Arguably? Arguably? Christopher Hitchens uses the phrase often enough of course, but strictly as Humpty Dumpty does, when Alice tells him she doesn't know what he means. Humpty Dumpty smiles contemptuously. "Of course you don't – till I tell you. I meant, 'there's a nice knockdown argument for you'." "Till I tell you": that's the point.
Read more
Posted by Tom at 09:16 1 comments
Labels: 2011, Arguably, book review, Christopher Hitchens, The Independent
Staking a Life
September 22, 2011By Christopher Hitchens
Arthur Koestler opened his polemic against capital punishment in Britain by saying that the island nation was that quaint and antique place where citizens drove on the left hand side of the road, drank warm beer, made a special eccentricity of the love of animals, and had felons “hanged by the neck until they are dead.” Those closing words—from the formula by which a capital sentence was ritually announced by a heavily bewigged judge—conveyed in their satisfyingly terminal tones much of the flavor and relish of the business of judicially inflicted death.
Posted by Tom at 15:27 6 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Death penalty, execution
Christopher Hitchens debates Barry Brummett, Part 1
September 20, 2011Debate between Christopher Hitchens and Dr. Barry Brummett (Chair, Department of Communication Studies, University of Texas at Austin) on the resolution "Religion has been a positive force in culture," June 4, 2011.
Posted by Tom at 16:12 10 comments
Labels: 2011, atheism, Barry Brummett, Christopher Hitchens, debate, religion
In Defense of Endless War
As 9/11 showed, civilization has enemies with which peace is neither possible nor desirable.
By Christopher Hitchens
A continuous and repetitive thread in the commentary on the decade since 9/11—one might almost call it an endless and open-ended theme—was the plaintive observation that the struggle against al-Qaida and its surrogates is somehow a "war without end."
Read More:
Posted by Tom at 15:44 0 comments
Labels: 2011, 9/11, Afghanistan, al-Qaida, Bosnia, Christopher Hitchens, Iraq, Slate, war
Think Inc Update
We have just received word from Christopher Hitchens' management.
He had a medical emergency over the weekend but is now back at home and is doing ok, all things considered. He was not available to communicate before this morning. He is quite upset that he missed this event as he has never had to cancel at the very last minute before.
Posted by Tom at 15:16 5 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Think Inc
V.F. Portrait: Joan Didion
September 17, 2011In The Year of Magical Thinking, the 2005 best-seller, Joan Didion dissected the trauma of losing her husband, John Gregory Dunne. With Blue Nights, to be published in November by Knopf, she agonizingly explores the heavier blow that followed: the death of their daughter, Quintana Roo.
Christopher Hitchens contemplates a tragic achievement.
Posted by Tom at 08:20 1 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Joan Didion, Vanity Fair
Arguably by Christopher Hitchens: review
September 16, 2011The Telegraph | Christopher Hitchens’s provocative journalism is greater than the sum of its parts, argues Nicholas Shakespeare as he reviews Arguably.
Every generation tends to look silly to the one after; those beehive hairdos, those chain smokers. Reacting to previous experience, we don’t make progress, necessarily. Vicars have randy daughters and randy daughters give birth to boys who in turn become vicars.
Posted by Tom at 05:25 6 comments
Labels: 2011, Arguably, book review, Christopher Hitchens, Essays, Nicholas Shakespear, the telegraph
Man of His Words
September 10, 2011The New York Times | Sunday Book Review
"Anyone who occasionally opens one of our more serious periodicals has learned that the byline of Christopher Hitchens is an opportunity to be delighted or maddened — possibly both — but in any case not to be missed. He is our intellectual omnivore, exhilarating and infuriating, if not in equal parts at least with equal wit."
Don't miss the Book Review Podcast (Bill Keller on the career of Christopher Hitchens).
From 9/11 to the Arab spring
By Christopher Hitchens
Three men: Mohamed Bouazizi, Abu-Abdel Monaam Hamedeh, and Ali Mehdi Zeu – a Tunisian street vendor, an Egyptian restaurateur and a Libyan husband and father. In the spring of 2011, the first of them set himself alight in the town of Sidi Bouzid, in protest at just one too many humiliations at the hands of petty officialdom. The second also took his own life as Egyptians began to rebel en masse at the stagnation and meaninglessness of Mubarak's Egypt.
Posted by Tom at 08:11 7 comments
Labels: 2011, 9/11, Arab spring, Christopher Hitchens, Egypt, Guardian, Libya, Tunisia
There's just one Hitch
September 7, 2011LAST year, just before he was diagnosed with advanced oesophageal cancer, Christopher Hitchens published the unexpectedly moving memoir Hitch-22.
"I soon enough realised when young," he revealed in that book, "that I did not have the true 'stuff' for [writing] fiction and poetry. And I was very fortunate indeed to have, as contemporaries, several practitioners of those arts who made it obvious to me, without unduly rubbing in the point, that I would be wasting my time if I tried."
As a journalist, Hitchens has done everything with his time except waste it. He has made himself the key writer of the post-9/11 age. No novelist or poet has registered the texture of the past decade as pungently as Hitchens has in the essay form.
Simply Evil
September 5, 2011By Christopher Hitchens
The proper task of the "public intellectual" might be conceived as the responsibility to introduce complexity into the argument: the reminder that things are very infrequently as simple as they can be made to seem. But what I learned in a highly indelible manner from the events and arguments of September 2001 was this: Never, ever ignore the obvious either.
Posted by Tom at 05:28 53 comments
Labels: 2011, 9/11, al-Qaida, Christopher Hitchens, Islam, muslim, Simply Evil, Slate
Arguably: Essays by Christopher Hitchens
September 1, 2011Reviewed by Vinton Rafe McCabe / New York Journal of Books
“Christopher Hitches has the eye of a painter and the literary skill of a novelist. He infuses his essays with the same narrative thrust that can be found in the most addictive fiction.”
"Arguably: Essays by Christopher Hitchens proves as mercurial as the man himself; it is at times infuriating, tedious, educational, gloriously candid, and completely hilarious. The man has an opinion on everything—literally everything from the genius of Charles Dickens to the virtues of masturbation."
Read review here (
3 min. audio clip from Arguably, read by Simon Prebble:
Posted by Tom at 21:32 2 comments
Labels: 2011, Arguably, Christopher Hitchens, Essays, New York Journal of Books, review
2012 Global Atheist Convention
Tickets on sale now!
Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett
Lawrence Krauss..!/atheistcon
Rick Perry's God
August 29, 2011By Christopher Hitchens
"I happened to spend several weeks in Texas earlier this year, while the Lone Star State lay under the pitiless glare of an unremitting drought. After a protracted arid interval, the state's immodest governor, Rick Perry, announced that he was using the authority vested in him to call for prayers for rain."
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Posted by Tom at 18:57 17 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, faith, religion, Rick Perry, Texas
The Crimes of Col. Qaddafi
August 26, 2011In the euphoria of the current celebrations, we must not lose sight of the former leader's foul deeds.
By Christopher Hitchens
"In George Orwell's 1939 novel, Coming Up for Air, his narrator, George Bowling, broods on the special horrors of the new totalitarianism and notices "the colored shirts, the barbed wire, the rubber truncheons," but also, less obviously perhaps, "the processions and the posters with enormous faces, and the crowds of a million people all cheering for the Leader till they deafen themselves into thinking that they really worship him, and all the time, underneath, they hate him so that they want to puke."
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Posted by Tom at 05:35 4 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Libya, Qaddafi, Slate
Christopher Hitchens on Latest Book: 'Might Be My Very Last'
August 25, 2011Prolific writer and political journalist Christopher Hitchens will release a new book this September titled Arguably: Essays by Christopher Hitchens.
The first new book of essays since 2004, Arguably features a collection of essays previously written for Vanity Fair – of which he is a contributing editor – Slate, The Atlantic, and The New York Times.
Some titles include: “God of Our Fathers: The United States of Enlightenment”; “America the Banana Republic”; “Why Women Aren’t Funny”; “First, Silence the Whistle-Blower”; “Iran’s Waiting Game”; “Easter Charade”; “Words Matter”; and “Wine Drinkers of the World, Unite.”
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Posted by Tom at 06:52 10 comments
Labels: 2011, Arguably, book, Christopher Hitchens, Essays
Arguably: Essays by Christopher Hitchens
August 23, 2011In Stock. Ships from and sold by Gift-wrap available.
Product Description
The first new book of essays by Christopher Hitchens since 2004, ARGUABLY offers an indispensable key to understanding the passionate and skeptical spirit of one of our most dazzling writers, widely admired for the clarity of his style, a result of his disciplined and candid thinking. Topics range from ruminations on why Charles Dickens was among the best of writers and the worst of men to the haunting science fiction of J.G. Ballard; from the enduring legacies of Thomas Jefferson and George Orwell to the persistent agonies of anti-Semitism and jihad. Hitchens even looks at the recent financial crisis and argues for arthe enduring relevance of Karl Marx. The book forms a bridge between the two parallel enterprises of culture and politics. It reveals how politics justifies itself by culture, and how the latter prompts the former. In this fashion, ARGUABLY burnishes Christopher Hitchens' credentials as-to quote Christopher Buckley-our "greatest living essayist in the English language."
Posted by Tom at 17:30 2 comments
Labels: 2011,, Arguably, book, Christopher Hitchens, Essays
Britons Have Been Violent and Cruel for Generations
August 18, 2011Still, England has not yet collapsed into a nightmare of destruction and despair.
By Christopher Hitchens
"I realized that the collapse of British society into a Hobbesian nightmare of mutual predation and despair was still some distance off when I caught two little straws in the wind. The first was a well-framed photograph of a badly scorched bit of London, taken on the morning after a night of riots and vandalism."
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Posted by Tom at 20:33 11 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, England, London, Slate, UK riots
The Accidental Institution
August 9, 2011By Christopher Hitchens
"At whose expense comes the mild irony when, this fall, the cheaply produced scandal sheet Private Eye will have an exhibition of its cartoons and pictorial covers at the Victoria and Albert Museum, a building consecrated to taste and restraint?"
Read More (Vanity Fair)
Religion Is THE Problem in the Balkans
August 4, 2011"Reporting on the capture of the mass-murdering General Ratko Mladic by the Serbian government on Memorial Day, the New York Times summarized the newly created political situation like this: “Critical questions remain about precisely who protected Mr. Mladic. The pro-Western government of President Boris Tadic says it will investigate, a politically delicate examination that could lead to former government officials and perhaps even to religious authorities, since Mr. Mladic said after his arrest that he had been visited over the years by many priests.”
Read More (Free Inquiry)
Posted by Tom at 05:52 22 comments
Labels: 2011, Balkans, Christopher Hitchens, Croatia, Free Inquiry, religion, Serbia
The End of the Kemalist Affair
August 1, 2011By Christopher Hitchens
"To read of the stunning news, of the almost-overnight liquidation of the Ataturkist or secularist military caste, and to try to do so from the standpoint of a seriously secular Turk, is to have a small share in the sense of acute national vertigo that must have accompanied the proclamation of a new system in the second two decades of the 20th century."
Read More (Slate)
Think Inc. September 18, 2011
July 28, 2011The Think Inc 2011 event has now a new website with less graphics and more info. This year's line-up includes Neil deGrasse Tyson, Christopher Hitchens (via video link), Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Michael Shermer..
Visit for latest news, list of speakers, location, schedule, to register and more.!/thinkinc2011
Dear Angry Lunatic: A Response to Chris Hedges
July 27, 2011via
"Over at Truthdig, the celebrated journalist Chris Hedges has discovered that Christopher Hitchens and I are actually racists with a fondness for genocide. He has broken this story before—many times, in fact—but in his most recent essay he blames “secular fundamentalists” like me and Hitch for the recent terrorist atrocities in Norway."
Posted by Tom at 08:20 31 comments
Labels: 2011, Chris Hedges, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris
A Ridiculous Rapid Response
July 25, 2011Why did so many "experts" declare the Oslo attacks to be the work of Islamic terrorists?
By Christopher Hitchens
"Having had 16 years to reflect since Oklahoma City, we should really have become a little more refined in our rapid-response diagnoses of anti-civilian mass murder. Rather than make it more difficult, the number of contrasting features in the most recent case of Norway actually makes this task fractionally easier. The fruit bat and troll population of the recent scenery of catastrophe, enriched with Stieg Larsson and Henning Mankell characters, permits a wider view of the various fields of fire and a greater variety of arguable motives for analysis."
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Posted by Tom at 08:09 9 comments
Labels: 2011, Anders Behring Breivik, attack, Christopher Hitchens, Oslo, Slate, terrorist
What Will Rupert Think?
July 22, 2011The British political class may stop asking the one question that has obsessed it for decades.
By Christopher Hitchens
"It was about two decades ago, but I can still remember how long it took and how much atmosphere it sucked out of the room. In a sort of dress rehearsal for more recent events, a pair of Guardian reporters had produced a book about the inner workings of the lurid Murdoch tabloid style, and of its targets and beneficiaries."
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Posted by Tom at 06:50 20 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, News of the World, Rupert Murdoch, Slate
Scandal Sheets
July 11, 2011In Britain, the Guardian takes on Rupert Murdoch's cynical view of what newspaper readers want to read.
By Christopher Hitchens
"On a beautiful Sunday morning at Brideshead Castle, Sebastian Flyte breaks off a desultory conversation about religion and morality because he wants to immerse himself in the scandal sheets: "He turned back to the pages of the News of the World and said, 'Another naughty scout-master … oh, don't be a bore, Charles, I want to read about a woman in Hull who's been using an instrument … thirty-eight other cases were taken into consideration in sentencing her to six months—golly!"
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Posted by Tom at 19:33 8 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, News of the World, Rupert Murdoch, Slate
Photos by Brooks Kraft
July 6, 2011
Posted by Tom at 08:24 18 comments
Labels: 2011, Brooks Kraft, Christopher Hitchens
Boat People
July 4, 2011Some questions for the "activists" aboard the Gaza flotilla.
By Christopher Hitchens
"The tale of the Gaza "flotilla" seems set to become a regular summer feature, bobbing along happily on the inside pages with an occasional update. A nice sidebar for reporters covering the Greek debt crisis: a built-in mild tension of "will they, won't they?"; a cast of not very colorful characters but one we almost begin to feel we know personally. Such cheery and breezy slogans—"The Audacity of Hope" and "Free Gaza"—and such an easy storyline that it practically writes itself."
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Posted by Tom at 18:30 26 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Gaza flotilla, Hamas, Slate
1968 was an ending and not a beginning.
June 30, 2011Hay Festival 2008, Sunday 25 May.
John Walsh chairs. Speakers include Rosie Boycott, Christopher Hitchens and Matthew Engel.
In 4 parts
Posted by Tom at 15:12 5 comments
Labels: 1968, 2008, Christopher Hitchens, Hay Festival, John Walsh, Matthew Engel, Rosie Boycott
The Rights of Man
Hay Festival 2006.
"The contrarian traces the history of The Rights of Man from the publication of Part One in 1791 in London and its rapturous reception across the Atlantic. He analyses the meaning it has acquired since its creation, and its significance as the cornerstone of contemporary debates about our basic human rights."
In 4 parts.
Christopher Hitchens talks to Phil Maynard about his biography of Thomas Paine, Iraq, and US politics:
Posted by Tom at 15:01 6 comments
Labels: 2006, Christopher Hitchens, Hay Festival, Rights of Man, Thomas Paine
Has Bachmann Met Her Waterloo?
June 29, 2011The old parochialism meets the not-so-new isolationism in Michele Bachmann.
By Christopher Hitchens
"That was actually three dripping custard pies, rather than just the one, with which Rep. Michele Bachmann assailed her own face by bragging to Fox News about her small-town Iowa roots. Having hymned the incomparable Dairy Queen and Wonder Bread facilities boasted by the sturdy small town of her girlhood, she went on to claim that "John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa," adding, "That's the kind of spirit that I have, too."
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Posted by Tom at 21:11 23 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Michele Bachmann, Slate
Christopher Hitchens Hay Festival 2008
Part 1
Part 2-4
Hitchens talks religion at Hay in 2008, with Q and A.
Posted by Tom at 20:43 2 comments
Labels: 2008, Christopher Hitchens, Hay Festival, religion
Christopher Hitchens talks to Ian McEwan 2007
Posted by Tom at 15:04 1 comments
Labels: 2007, Christopher Hitchens, god is not great, Ian McEwan
Hay Festival 2006: Carter, Hitchens and Younge
I'll be posting older material in coming days, to expand the archive.
Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter, Christopher Hitchens and the Guardian’s US correspondent Gary Younge discuss US foreign policy at Hay Festival 2006.
Think Inc 2011 Reminder
June 24, 2011Tickets still available for the Think Inc. Science and Rationalism Conference in Melbourne, Australia. September 18, 2011.
More Info:
Posted by Tom at 11:19 1 comments
Labels: 2011, Australia, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Christopher Hitchens, Melbourne, rationalism, science, Think Inc
Atheist Convention to present Christopher Hitchens with Richard Dawkins award
June 23, 2011"At the Atheist Alliance of America (AAA) Convention, held in
conjunction with the Texas Freethought Convention, AAA will present
the 2011 Richard Dawkins Award to Christopher Hitchens for his
outstanding contributions to freethought. The convention, with a
theme of “From Grassroots to Global Impact”, will be held from October
7-9, 2011 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Houston, Texas."
Read More (
Byliner - Discover & discuss great reads by great writers
June 21, Goes Live, Providing Readers with Deep, Rich Archives of the Finest in Nonfiction Storytelling.
"Wouldn’t it be great to have the best stories by Susan Orlean, Christopher Hitchens, Michael Lewis, Mary Roach, E.B. White, Mark Bowden, and hundreds of other nonfiction writers from the past 100 years available on one website? Now there is such a website:"
Read More (Business Wire)
141 articles by Christopher Hitchens.
Posted by Tom at 19:33 0 comments
Labels: 2011, Byliner, Christopher Hitchens
David Mamet’s Right-Wing Conversion
June 18, 2011By Christopher Hitchens
"This is an extraordinarily irritating book, written by one of those people who smugly believe that, having lost their faith, they must ipso facto have found their reason. In order to be persuaded by it, you would have to be open to propositions like this: “Part of the left’s savage animus against Sarah Palin is attributable to her status not as a woman, neither as a Conservative, but as a Worker.”
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Posted by Tom at 08:39 12 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, David Mamet, the secret knowledge