"A fangirl's tribute to the great Hitch."
What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

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Vanity Fair Christopher Hitchens—the incomparable critic, masterful rhetorician, fiery wit, and fearless bon vivant—died today at the ag...
By Christopher Hitchens "I am sometimes asked whether I ever get tired of debating the faithful. There are two reasons why I never do...
Clips from the HitchFry event at Royal Festival Hall, Nov 9. Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie, Richard Dawkins http://www.newslook.com/channel...
In Britain, the Guardian takes on Rupert Murdoch's cynical view of what newspaper readers want to read. By Christopher Hitchens ...
By Peter Hitchens "It's amusing, if frustrating, to see the response of dogmatic unbelievers to my brother's thoughtful and ...
By Christopher Hitchens E ver since I was felled in mid-book tour this summer, I have adored and seized all chances to play catch-up and...
Funeral and Memorial arrangements By Peter Hitchens Some people have asked me when and where my brother’s funeral took place. In fact, a...
Friday, November 26, 2010. Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, Canada. The official resolution, "Be it resolved, religion is a force of good for...
Men like Bishop Eddie Long are fouling the legacy of the civil rights movement. By Christopher Hitchens " Passing through Union Stati...

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Baruch Spinoza

George Orwell

Bertrand Russell

Leon Trotsky

Rosa Luxemburg

An Ode to Christopher Hitchens
April 12, 2011Posted by Tom at 19:01 19 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens
Philip Larkin, the Impossible Man
By Christopher Hitchens
"IN MAY 1941, Philip Larkin was the treasurer of the Oxford University English Club and in that capacity had to take the visiting speaker George Orwell out to dinner after he had addressed the membership on the subject of “Literature and Totalitarianism.” Larkin’s main recollection: “We took Dylan Thomas to the Randolph and George Orwell to the not-so-good hotel. I suppose it was my first essay in practical criticism."
Read More (The Atlantic)
Posted by Tom at 18:20 3 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, Philip Larkin, The Atlantic
American Atheists 2011 Convention Update
"CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS (Canceled due to health problems -- Mr. Hitchens will write an original letter to be read at the convention.)"
Dave Silverman, President of American Atheists: Hitchens can't make the convention even by video. He will (hopefully) be writing a statement to be read instead. I am very sad that such a lovely light is growing so dim.
VIDEO: http://www.vimeo.com/23215997