The Wall Street Journal
A Wit Rages Before the Abyss
By Henry Allen
The proof that there is no afterlife is that Christopher Hitchens is not sending us columns, essays, books, perversities, aperçus and polemics from it.
The closest we have so far is the 104 pages of "Mortality." He wrote them while knowing that he would die soon of esophageal cancer, which he did last Dec. 15, at the age of 62. Not a word from him since.
The Guardian
Mortality by Christopher Hitchens – review
By Colm Tóibín
He was the best company in the whole world; he had read widely and because he was an industrious man and filled with curiosity, he hoped to read much more. He would stay up late drinking and talking, moving with judicious and delicious care from the large questions of the day to the small sweet business of invective, anecdotes and gossip.
The New York Times/Sunday Book Review
Staying power
By Christopher Buckley
Christopher Hitchens began his memoir, “Hitch-22,” on a note of grim amusement at finding himself described in a British National Portrait Gallery publication as “the late Christopher Hitchens.” He wrote, “So there it is in cold print, the plain unadorned phrase that will one day become unarguably true.”
Big Think
Book Of The Month
By Nick Clairmont
We are pleased but saddened to introduce our third book of the month: Mortality by Christopher Hitchens. The posthumous book represents the last work of the great journalist, polemicist, and thinker.
The Last Word
By Jeff Sharlet
Mortality, a posthumous collection of Christopher Hitchens’s short essays on living with terminal esophageal cancer—“a distinctly bizarre way of ‘living,’” he emphasizes, “lawyers in the morning and doctors in the afternoon”—is an odd little book, neither fully a cancer memoir nor a meditation on the meanings we attribute to the disease.
What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

Welcome to an unofficial Christopher Hitchens site.
Christopher Hitchens (1949 - 2011) was an Anglo-American author and journalist. His books made him a prominent public intellectual and a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits. He was a columnist and literary critic at Vanity Fair, Slate, The Atlantic, World Affairs, The Nation, Free Inquiry and a variety of other media outlets. He was named one of the world's "Top 100 Public Intellectuals" by Foreign Policy and Britain's Prospect.
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Mortality reviews 3
September 2, 2012Posted by Tom at 07:56 0 comments
Labels: 2012, book review, cancer, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality
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