Clip from the Afterlife Debate with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, September 16, 2010, New York.
What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

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Hitchens on Louis Farrakhan & The Pope
November 5, 2010Posted by Tom at 13:45 8 comments
Labels: 2010, afterlife, Christopher Hitchens, debate, Louis Farrakhan, Shmuley Boteach, The Pope
Miss Manners And the Big C
By Christopher Hitchens
Ever since I was felled in mid-book tour this summer, I have adored and seized all chances to play catch-up and to keep as many engagements as I can. Debating and lecturing are part of the breath of life to me, and I take deep drafts whenever and wherever possible.
Read article (Vanity Fair, December 2010)
Posted by Tom at 12:50 4 comments
Labels: 2010, cancer, Christopher Hitchens, Vanity Fair
William Dembski Debates Christopher Hitchens
William Dembski will be debating CH at the Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, Nov 18, 2010.
"Does A Good God Exist?"
"Dembski and Hitchens will debate the existence of a good God during a conference for the Biblical Worldview Institute at Prestonwood Christian Academy in Plano, Texas. The debate will be hosted in the worship center at Prestonwood Baptist Church from 8:40 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. It will also be webcast on"
More Info (
Posted by Tom at 06:59 5 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, debate, God, religion, William Dembski