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Gregory Garrett · Jan 5, 2018

Time to clear the air of the Hitchens’s stench, online…Hitchens the War Apologist and Marxist Fool…
Hitchens…where to begin?...potentially the greatest disappointment of the last century, when his influence on weak and impressionable minds is taken into full account…A veritable citadel of misinformation and a towering mountain of erroneous data…not just uniformed, but SPECTACULARLY uniformed, with all the pomp and circumstantial smugness that we often see with such concealed hubris.
Hitchens appealed to the lost souls who had never developed deep self-reflection, or potent intellectual powers. The emotional lost sheep flocked to him…those disenchanted by the intrinsic ambiguities of theology, and looking for easy answers to the bigger questions they were not suited to address in their ignorance. Under the delusion that he was somehow highly intelligent because he could ramble verbose and quickly and then put someone down with a petulant grin, he won the affections of the disinherited and dejected, looking for a meandering and pithy Savior.
His mental misdirection and deceptive careening sleight of hand show was dazzling to the uninitiated thinker who watched spell-bound, as a babe watching its drunken mother talk.
The idea was to simply blame religion for everything to avoid any deeper complexities, and fully abort cause and effect paradigms found in deep philosophy, in preference for the warm safety of “The Universe does not require a Creator…yada, yada, yada…”, same redundant nonsensical, posturing which we heard ten million times from Hitchens, whilst inexcusably dodging the fact that he had just aborted the core tenets of logic, reason, and classical physics to exclaim as such.
The Universe popped out of nothing. Retarded logic, but Hichens bought it. Houses, songs, and people pop out of nothing too, I suppose? Yeah that’s what I thought. That’s stupid. You were stupid, Hitchens…SPECTACULARLY STUPID, albeit.
Hitchens was careful to NEVER bow down to a God. In order to mentally enslave others to follow suit, he fabricated the lie that The Bible (And all religions, for that matter) STRICTLY teaches everyone to bow down to a tyrannical God, using The Old Testament stories as the ONLY definition of God. Again, this was merely Hichens bending, and mangling the truth of everything to drive a fraudulent point home. You could remind him that Christ taught Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness, but evidently he neglected to read that part of The Bible so he, CONVENIENTLY, could not work that into his argument. I’ve never seen such deception and misdirection from such a supposed “revered” thinker. He fooled the ignorant, I suppose. He obviously had the most influence on those with little theological background, or who just simply did not know how to read at all.
At best, Hitchens was trite and mean…At worst, degenerately mean and worthless.
Essentially, the fundamentally integral reason unsuspecting viewers fell prey to Hitchens’s incessant claptrap of intolerable inaccuracies and inane and insipid ramblings on a veritable cornucopian of trivialities and tropes was due to his snide and self-congratulatory, self-reproachful demeanor, which so many became hypnotized by, in search for some fatherly sage who could dispel their nagging and peevish discontent with thinking things through by themselves, and under the duress, particularly of not knowing the ultimate answer on topics such as theology, morals, or the absolute predominance advocating religious toleration as the policy of government.
Hitchens’s modus operandi was merely, and embarrassingly simplistic I might add, to write everything religious off as “Fascist”, and then proceed with a psychologically ferocious and tyrannical moral dogmatism, far exceeding even the prosaic junkyard dog, bullying tactics known to inhabit corrupt and reprobate lawyers, in his installation of his views in the most vile and fascist manner, imaginable. He was quick to tell people that they had no authority to espouse their views, while preaching the gospel of his half-thought, fallacious musings as gospel. And all of it was executed with a curiously transparent and deft lack of self-abnegation.
If he was maliciously and deliberately deceptive, then an abomination, and if by sheer self-deception, still a monstrous zero in the general field of critical thinking…no good to anything or anyone.
He was always quick on the trigger to condemn everyone in the world for the very same meanness and hate we heard emanating forth from his every word and stoic and stiff disposition, replete with dead cast eyes and portly self-disregard for himself and others. He was a master of sophomoric selfish-interest, and a paragon of Nihilistic despair…just look at him. I rest my case.
Hitchens got it wrong a thousand times...faulty history, faulty science, faulty DNA and Genetic facts, faulty theological data, faulty logic...never-ending bulldog and advocacy for half-truths. Misdirection was his is all so ridiculous to even praise this pompous idiot. Snide, mean, and he loved to accuse everyone of hate when he was PARAGON OF HATE???? He has absolutely against all religions and yet constantly uses the terms "evil" and "Hell" in his assessment of people and life???...a truly selfish, contradictory, crass, crude, petty, and ignorant man.
Hitchens was repeatedly an idiot. He kept referencing The Old Testament as if it were the Doctrine of New Testament Christianity?? He habitually lumped Christianity in with every other religion in a quasi-bellicose and sloppy disregard for precision and truth. Hitchens omits the fact that over 100 million were butchered under the flag of Communistic Atheism last century, but rather he writes papers to condemn the doings of Mother Teresa????? What a glaring mockery of truth and justice this man was. Atheism achieves 100 million murders via war, brutal torture, and revolution, and he neglects to mention that? How convenient in favor of his biased Anti-Theist countenance… typical Hitchens to bastardize and twist and mutilate actual historic facts to suit his game. If he was snide, mocking, and quick on his verbal feet….nobody seemed to mind, unfortunately.
In short, Hitchens’s derogatory definition of God actually bore no resemblance to the Christian God, whatsoever, but he attempted to pass his definition off as such to delude the unknowing and ignorant. This was his way of destroying both Gnostic and Contemporary Christianity. Habitually, he would merely erroneously lump all Christianity into the vernacular of “The Catholic Church”. Through repetition and a dogged and remedial assault on the intelligence of his viewer, he was able to brainwash and lull a myriad of eager truth seekers into a universal contempt for all religions, and Catholicism, in particular. He was guilty of far more than bluntly false, revisionist history, but moreover, he dabbled in propaganda and malicious deception, on a regular basis. He notoriously selected ONLY the worst in every religion, and glossed over all the trunk loads of atrocities against humanity that Marxism and War based Socialism (His pet fetishes), and Atheism have committed, in the name of Evolution and Naturalism…he bypassed all the truth here…just being the earnest charlatan that he intrinsically was, all along.
It was not just that he mislead people, it was that he INTENTIONALLY LIED to millions about the history of Christianity and what is moral position actually was, in preference of only highlighting the history in The Bible that spoke of those people who had denied The Christian God and transgressed the whole Christian message to exhibit egregious Immorality. These examples were the only example Hichens’s used to portray ALL of Christianity, which is so derelict of scientific integrity, it pales in comparison to most thinkers in the modern world. To say he fudged his data and operated strictly out of blatantly observable and measureable biases and faulty preconceptions would be the understatement of the century.
Essentially, he dodged, again and again, the patent truth that his entire philosophic edifice was built upon a juvenile

Richard Herbert · Jan 22, 2016

Great fan of Hitchens..looking for any references in his writing regarding the abandonment of Iraqis who helped American effort during the war. Can anyone suggest where to find references, if any?

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Arthur Sanzo · Oct 9, 2013

Hello Christopher, I whole hearted agree with most of your arguements. I think religion as a whole works to undermine human progress, is full of contradiction, and serves as a point of identity used often for violence. However, I do believe in good and evil at the human level, and I think your stance on Mother Teresa is harsh. There is a large difference from being incompetant at being good, and being a bad person. I believe her to be a victum of religious bullying, and I believe your attack here should focus more on that. Her sainthood is utterly irrelevent to me, and I don't think she was a good person...I think she was a puppet.

John Borowski · Sept 29, 2013

What is religion? It is the quest for ineffable money and power by morally bankrupt criminals. The governments support these criminals because they pacify the ocean of ignorance. The religious devils inculcate the ignorant that god wants the riches’ ass padded and yours not. They then get the nots to believe this.

John Borowski · Sept 29, 2013

Mother Nature’s greatest attempt has resulted into her biggest disaster.(Human kind)
I believe that advance societies know that intelligent life that evolves from an animal is a dead end. This is why they created artificial life. By doing so they were able to input only the good and delete all of the evil that affects human kind. It is not possible for our society to live more than a billion years like they do.

Nick · June 20, 2013

Just talk to me directly. That's all I want.

Daniel Schick · June 13, 2013

Hi, I just started reading your book "God is not Great" and, although I'm only 9 pages in, i really enjoy it. My only problem is that I'm not a very advanced reader and I don't have a very broad vocabulary. In just the first 9 pages, you've referenced a couple handfuls of things I know nothing about. Obviously I'm not asking you to put out a picture book for the more simple reader, but instead, to maybe tell me of a more "cookie cutter" book on atheism.

Anonymous · May 19, 2013

I miss you Christopher !

Anonymous · May 19, 2013

I'm getting married in a year and I want my wife to be impregnated with jesus so I can get an abortion and then when I die molest his dumb fetus ass in heaven

Indygrl76 · Jan 1, 2013

I continue to watch the various debates, lectures, and discussions with Hitchens. Even if I have watched them before, I find myself with continually new incites to current events and challenges of the day. His comments and reason remain relevant and more applicable with every passing day. Once again, thanks Hitch! And for the negative nats who post on this site-- you prove his points every day... "... religion poisons everything."

Casey · Dec 10, 2012

I miss you pal. I think about you everyday. I can't believe that you have been gone for almost a year.
Thanks for the inspiration!

Marie · Aug 24, 2012

He was a living example of how a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. I guess he justified his superficial, somewhat controversial rants by his need to make a living? Unless he or his 2 wives were independently wealthy, in which case, he was just a royal a-hole.

Kevin · Aug 19, 2012

I wonder if Ms. Blue is considering a book tour at least from northern Virginia to New York. I think it would be supported more than most people might think!

anonymous · July 22, 2012

Not much in the cyberworld and elsewhere re Alexander Cockburn.
A bit of an eccentric crank at the end. Now we know why.

Soul · July 21, 2012

Alexander Cockburn has died. A true loss. His astute observations about Hitchens and his perverse atheist evangelism:

"What has constantly struck me is the desolate sterility of your atheism. We had atheists in our generation, of course, but they lived in a world and consorted with people for whom religion had profound meaning, often inspiring them to acts of nobility and extraordinary self-sacrifice. In your book, religious people are stupid. But they weren’t stupid, and the atheists — I’m thinking of my dear friend, a man you profess to have admired, Claud Cockburn — didn’t deride them, but cheerfully swapped quotations from the Sermon on the Mount. The context was one of respect and mutual striving for a better world.

What sort of moral leadership did you, the great and ultimately rather wealthy exponent of atheism display? Extreme disloyalty to close friends, constant public drunkenness and brutish rudeness, particularly to women, and a life, if I may say so, of almost psychotic self-centeredness and exhibitionism. You had your claque — Messrs Amis, Fenton and the others — and their energies in promoting you as a major intellectual and stylist were unceasing, and in their somewhat homoerotic loyalty, rather touching, but I don’t think the verdict of history will be quite so kind."

A devout christian · July 5, 2012

Let us rape and stab in the absence of christ.

A Fan · July 5, 2012


Your eloquence and clarity is eternal.

I never tire of listening to your debates or reading your publications.

You are sorely missed, I only hope that someone can take your place in the fight for intelligence, pragmatism and ... sanity.

I love you.

Dopes · June 28, 2012

Atheists are idiots. Nothing in nature says the weak, poor, and sick are of equal value to the strong and wealthy and healthy. Equality of human beings Only exists if an objective morality imposed by god exists. The morality of equality exists logically ONLY in a religious context.

Bond · June 28, 2012

I hear Hitchens' name about nice a month now, usually from the same old rabid atheists or culty fanboys. That's the thing about being an atheist. Your life is meaningless and contributes nothing to mankind or the earth, except fertilizer once you're dead. No soul is left behind as there was not one to leave.

Michael · June 20, 2012

Slight correction on the caption below the Hitchens-Jackson debate. It wasn't held in the theology school at Emory where Jackson is a professor it was held at the Margaret Mitchell House closer to downtown Atlanta. The debate was repeated after a short book signing debate because tickets sold out in a matter of hours.

Nan · June 6, 2012

June 5, 2012
Primary in California today: I wrote in "Christopher Hitchens" for the Democratic candidate for President.

Anon · June 4, 2012

Absolutely love the fact that Hitchens was instrumental in the Obama administration's decision to stop waterboarding...

Ray Dowling · May 3, 2012

Hi Mate

Just to say keep up the good work of what has now become a posthumous tribute to the Saviour of Minds.

Thanks for your efforts oppo.

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Christopher reads from Hitch-22: A Memoir