Mr Steve Wasserman, Christopher Hitchens' literary agent, kindly replied to my query about a possible memorial. Posted with permission.
"In accordance with Christopher’s wishes, his body was donated to medical research. Memorial gatherings will occur next year."
What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

Welcome to an unofficial Christopher Hitchens site.
Christopher Hitchens (1949 - 2011) was an Anglo-American author and journalist. His books made him a prominent public intellectual and a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits. He was a columnist and literary critic at Vanity Fair, Slate, The Atlantic, World Affairs, The Nation, Free Inquiry and a variety of other media outlets. He was named one of the world's "Top 100 Public Intellectuals" by Foreign Policy and Britain's Prospect.
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Memorial gatherings and the body of Christ(opher)
December 24, 2011Posted by Tom at 20:16
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, medical research, Memorial
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One could expect no less from him. A great man.
What a good move hitch. He was a bamf
That is very Hitchens style. I think he was a brilliant man, and will be sadly missed. He was a brave voice of reason in a sad, lost world.
I will miss his insight and knowledge.
The world has lost a great mind but your legacy will live on. Thanks for everything Chris.
I hope whoever gets the brain will make note of how well reticulated it is... Could be used in a literacy campaign: "This is your brain on IDEAS..."
Yes we will have to be on the look out for any memorial services next year
April 13 is Hitchens' birthday.
Henceforth, for me, this will be 'Hitchens Day' and I shall make a toast (with J.W. Black of course) to a unique and intelligent man.
The world is a less interesting place without him and he will be sorely missed.
The biggest loss to humanity since Nietzsche! I will miss your poignant words.
Body donation makes absolute sense. Why waste a body in burial or cremation when it can be used to teach medical students or for scientific study for the benefit of others? Even in death we can do good.
Ah...thank you for posting this, Tom: the information I have been impatiently seeking in numerous news searches over the past week or so. How good of Hitch to ensure that more research on his type of cancer will proceed in the near future.
Travel on in Peace, Christopher! And to my fellow fans: Merry Hitchmas to all, and to all a good night!
-Karen Olsen
Seattle, WA (now writing from holiday in Crossville, TN)
I only found Hitch about a year ago on YouTube, and then began reading his books.
I loved him for his writing style, his logic and his defense of reason.
I wish I would have found him sooner.
Imagine being thát medical student..
Richard Dawkins honored Christopher Hitchens much better than I can. See: 2011 Dawkins Award - Christopher Hitchens. Christopher was a fighter for atheism and his voice will be missed (IMO his opinion about the war in Irak may be dismissed).
A medical miracle that he could survive so much booze for so long. about something at the mall in Washington on his birthday?
Hitch thanks for enlightening me with with your polemical analysis of the day, you've educated me. always so concise and true, thanks.
PLEASE keep us posted on when memorial services will take place! I would love to see some YouTube videos go up as well.
I miss you Hitch...
He is missed even future tense about it. I think the pain of his passing will grow on us all NOT just his family.
If only a few of us knew or knew of him, the impact of his death would still be inestimable.
Here we would salute Drs. Dawkins, Harris, Dennett, Stenger and others. Your burden is even greater without Christopher.
If only this day (12-25) was not so steeped in supersition. It is even more sad with CH's passing.
Family we are thinking of you and not just the loss the rest of are beginning to feel.
Proctor S. Burress, Lex., KY
I too like the idea of a memorial on his birthday.... That gives time to plan a right proper event.
Hitch Day...
13 April 2012 is the opening day of the Global Atheist Convention in Melbourne. How appropriate.
I look forward to all of us there raising a verbal toast to The Man. People elsewhere will have to organise themselves, I'm afraid.
Yes, Tom, please do keep us posted on a possible memorial. My grieving for Hitch would embarrass a North Korean.
April 13 is both Christopher and Thomas Jefferson's birthday. Maybe we should make it Seperation Day, in honor of the seperation of CHurch and State.
Memorials are for the comaraderie of the living...which is OK..... go for it ! As for the old adage of: " Dust to dust, ashes to ashes", I feel it should be changed to: "From stardust to stardust".
He was a brilliant man and continues to be so by donating his body to science.
A bright mind, talented speaker, a humble searcher for morality. I and many, many others will miss him dearly. I can only hope that when my day comes, I remember at least a flicker of the flair with which he met and dealt with his ending, as an inspiration for pride and human dignity. Sleep well, mr Hitchens.
I like the idea… April 13: The Wall Day! And let’s celebrate it every year by gathering at the Jefferson Memorial on the first Saturday after it.
Also, by all means, please keep us posted on memorial plans. If not able to attend the central event, we can celebrate his life localy, with our freethought, secular and atheist groups.
What a great, eventful, fulfilled life!
This is all a bit much dontcha think? Most people have never heard of this person and the intelligent ones who have consider him always limited, occasionally witty, and often ridiculous.
I am a better man because of my awaking to the truth that Christopher and his magnificent mind led me to.I now know the reason for the anger and frustration that I have carried with me in recent years.Christophers writings galvanised all the suspicions and doubts about religion and godworship that I have carried with me since I was a teen.Christophers passing , sad as it may be, has strengthened me in pursuing the right life ,the moral life, the life that we,humans, were always meant to live ... the life of a free thinker
Ah! yes! In the promise of everlasting life, Hitch, you seem to think that your putrid fleash, noe home to maggots id somehow going to be MORE USEFUL yhan it was when you were alive!!
And, may I ask, to whom did you commend your spirit?
Oh! I forgot! You never had one, except the 40 proof kind!
Self important to the end. Burn me and urn me, lol.
He can be dead but he will live forever in his great intelectual work left behind!
The Hitch: The Man, who fucked myths, and is now a Legend.
'Hitchens Day' on Apr. 13 should be just that --> 'Hitchens Day'.
It should not be re-named or co-opted by special interests i.e. atheist groups etc. Hitchens was admired by many. All should be welcome to celebrate his life.
Hey asshole how dear you insult Johnny walker black by calling it 40 proof it's 80 proof you moron... And hitchens will live on forever through his great writing and debates
@hvann "My grieving for Hitch would embarrass a North Korean." You've given me my biggest (self-deprecatory) laugh in days. Thanks:)
I want a Saint Hitch medal to wear or staue for my dash to protect me from religion.
Damn it!!!
I miss him so much.
Watching old youtube clips of him.
His tongue was really sharp!
I hope they saved DNA to clone him...
@hvann -- I also got a good chuckle out of your N.Korea reference. Too funny!
When I heard that Christopher donated his body to research,, this for my and everybody's kids CH I love you..
Great man. What a loss for the humanity!
It's a great loss for me
Some of you are clearly desperate for someone to worship. Hitch is the best you can do. Sad.
Your terribly naive attempt at associating peoples well wishing and mourning as worship, is all at once pathetic and reprehensible.
Your characterizations of peoples desperation speaks volumes of your own.
Mr. Hitchens was a rare card in an otherwise boring deck. Many admired his admiration for humanity most especially since he knew intimately that our time in the here and now can only be measured and valued in the here and now. He worked tirelessly to that end.
And the best you can do is bring us your invective blathering? Try harder.
Sam Husseini on Christopher Hitchens
Another illiterate fag is dead!
Ah that's all I can do for my favorite a comment on his unofficial page:(...
BillyBuzzBomb, your writing is superb. Do you write for any publication/blog?
What a man
He will stay in my heart for allways
I spoke in London today to a famous writer friend of his, who said Hitch had asked the doctors to suspend treatment towards the end because he was in pain and believed in voluntary euthanasia, but they refused. Interesting, as I had not seen that reported.
Great intertainer. Not a creator. Cool your jets, anglo mediatic groupies.
"I spoke in London.."
In 'Trial of the Will' Hitchens says: I asked my physician to discontinue all life-supporting services or show me how to do it. The physician denied this plea, rather loftily assuring Hook that “someday I would appreciate the unwisdom of my request.”
You do realize that's Hitchens *quoting* Sidney Hook's memoirs, right?
If you didn't allow me to correct your correction.
Oh yes. What he says is "Nor have I yet had to think of having such an arduous conversation with a physician."
How appropriate that the troll suggesting Hitch as an illiterate fag has remained anonymous. The predictability of the bottom layers of what pass for life are all at once boring and so easily stereotyped. Pathetic really. Hitch would take "fag" with a laugh and a wry smile but to call him illiterate? That must be either yours meds talking or you are indeed as irrelevant as you sound.
Christopher you are and were the voice of so many. You will be sorely missed. Thanks for your bravery and clarity and thanks for sharing yourself with all of us.
You have made a profoundly positive impact on my life and I will never forget you - even though we never met.
According to the NY Times, "While he did die at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, he had not entered hospice care there, and he had not stopped treatment"
what lucky institution got his body and what are they going to use it for?
A tribute in Spanish to Mr. Hitchens for his "relentless" defense of critical thinking and rationality. A lament for his recent death.
He's left us just when we needed him most. His wisdom in the written word & spoken, on YouTube, will thankfully remain.
By far one of the greatest voices of reason and rationality mankind has ever realized. Seeing dogmatic theologin types squirming in their seats waiting to respond to his articulate and lucid thoughts have been highlights of my debating education!
The world has lost a brilliant raconteur, a probing mind, and a wordsmith the equal of the finest essayists in the English language.
Mr. Hitchens great mind was my very first step in the road of atheism, and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you!
The Hitch changed my world, this is the most depressing passing I can think of in recent memory, besides family and/or friends, in my humble opinion.
Vale Hitch. The good you've done will live after you.
You will find that eternal gratitude will only be in THIS life. I pity you. CH was a very clever man and a great wit, but to take on God, how presumptuous dare one get? His mortal life ended as did so many others who abused their bodies.
I'm still missing him
I didn't know that he was devotee to atheism..
Just a couple points to consider in your efforts to immortalize this man.
First, he died from his life of excess. Oesophageal cancer was a direct result of his smoking and drinking. Not the most clever of moves for a man as "clever" as Mr Hitchens.
Second, his body would be of no use to medical science. If he didn't know that, shame on him. Medical science needs cadavers that die of natural causes. Basically healthy bodies that show normal anatomy. A body that is ravaged by cancer (and the treatment thereof) is of no use to medical science. There is nothing interesting about a death from cancer.
So take his writings for what they were: the thoughts of one man. If they resonate with you, that's great. But if you follow in his footsteps, beware that hard drinking and smoking is, for most people a long term sentence of death.
Disgraceful nonsense.
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With Joe Biden in the White House, the unfolding disaster in Afghanistan and the evolving ineptitude government at the national level, I miss Hitchens more now than ever...
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