Richard Dawkins Foundation: In Memoriam: Christopher Hitchens, 1949–2011
'Why Evolution Is True' remembers Hitchens:
Christopher Hitchens died a year ago today—it seems longer, doesn’t it?—and of course nobody has emerged to fill the vast lacuna he left. His rhetorical skills were unmatchable. Read more
So does the Paleolibrarian:
"..Thank you Hitch for having balls to challenge ignorance and stand your ground."
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And Salman Rushdie: Christopher Hitchens died a year ago today. I still think of him every day.
What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

Yahoo! News
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Vanity Fair Christopher Hitchens—the incomparable critic, masterful rhetorician, fiery wit, and fearless bon vivant—died today at the ag...
By Christopher Hitchens "I am sometimes asked whether I ever get tired of debating the faithful. There are two reasons why I never do...
Clips from the HitchFry event at Royal Festival Hall, Nov 9. Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie, Richard Dawkins
In Britain, the Guardian takes on Rupert Murdoch's cynical view of what newspaper readers want to read. By Christopher Hitchens ...
By Peter Hitchens "It's amusing, if frustrating, to see the response of dogmatic unbelievers to my brother's thoughtful and ...
By Christopher Hitchens E ver since I was felled in mid-book tour this summer, I have adored and seized all chances to play catch-up and...
Funeral and Memorial arrangements By Peter Hitchens Some people have asked me when and where my brother’s funeral took place. In fact, a...
Friday, November 26, 2010. Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, Canada. The official resolution, "Be it resolved, religion is a force of good for...
Men like Bishop Eddie Long are fouling the legacy of the civil rights movement. By Christopher Hitchens " Passing through Union Stati...

Thomas Jefferson

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One Year On
December 16, 2012Posted by Tom at 10:15 4 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens
Carol Blue answers questions
November 18, 2012Carol Blue, the widow of author Christopher Hitchens, answered viewer questions submitted via Twitter, Facebook.
Watch it here (
Posted by Tom at 16:21 7 comments
Labels: 2012, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, Miami Book Fair
Authors on Christopher Hitchens
Martin Amis, Carol Blue, Cary Goldstein, and Robert Weil discussed Christopher Hitchens' book Mortality. This event took place at the 2012 Miami Book Fair International held November 11-18, 2012 on the campus of Miami Dade College in Miami, Florida.
Watch it here (
Posted by Tom at 15:48 4 comments
Labels: 2012, c-span, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, Martin Amis, Miami Book Fair, Mortality
Piers Morgan interviews Carol Blue
November 16, 2012
Tom Cook has a thread on reddit where you can remember Hitchens, and what he meant to you.
Posted by Tom at 07:56 0 comments
Labels: 2012, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, cnn, Piers Morgan
It's time to give Christopher Hitchens a statue
October 31, 2012By James Bloodworth
During his lifetime many of the late Christopher Hitchens’s most vociferous critics were former allies from the political left. How, it was asked, could a once radical polemicist have become a cheerleader for the neo-conservative project to remake the world?
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Posted by Tom at 17:20 6 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, statue
Bill Donohue Debates Christopher Hitchens: Part 1
October 26, 2012Posted by Tom at 18:33 6 comments
Labels: 2000, Bill Donohue, Catholicism, Christopher Hitchens, debate
Labour politician threatens to quit if bust to ‘pro-war’ journalist Christopher Hitchens goes up in Red Lion Square
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Posted by Tom at 15:49 1 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Red Lion Square, statue
Hitchens' last days
"Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens' widow, talks candidly about her husband's dying days."
Watch here (
Posted by Tom at 15:33 0 comments
Labels: 2012, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, Lateline, Tony Jones
Graydon Carter & Carol Blue on Christopher Hitchens
Watch it here (
Posted by Tom at 15:08 0 comments
Labels: 2012, Carol Blue, Charlie Rose, Christopher Hitchens, Graydon Carter
An afterword to the life of Christopher Hitchens
October 15, 2012Listen here. (
Posted by Tom at 16:34 3 comments
Labels: 2012, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, Phillip Adams
What Sort of People are the Christopher Hitchens Fan Club?
October 2, 2012I can’t really claim that I never notice the extraordinarily spiteful attacks on me which come from one particular quarter. They're almost impossible to miss. Some of them are on Twitter. Others arrive here directly. Others surface in various places on the Internet. Those responsible claim to be admirers of my late brother, Christopher.
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Posted by Tom at 15:24 34 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Peter Hitchens
Carol Blue on Q
September 21, 2012Listen here (
This year’s LENNONONO GRANT FOR PEACE recipients are:
Posted by Tom at 14:05 1 comments
Labels: 2012, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, Jian Ghomeshi, Mortality, Q
Carol Blue On Mourning And 'Mortality'
September 13, 2012Talk of the Nation.
Carol Blue, Hitchens' wife of 20 years, interviewed on NPR by Neal Conan.
Listen here. (30 min.)
Posted by Tom at 07:58 3 comments
Labels: 2012, cancer, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality, Neal Conan, NPR
An interview with Carol Blue
September 11, 2012

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Posted by Tom at 14:19 1 comments
Labels: 2012, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality
Carol Blue on The Leonard Lopate Show
September 9, 2012Carol Blue, the widow of Christopher Hitchens, discusses his last book, Mortality, a collection of his series of award-winning columns for Vanity Fair, written over the last year of his life.
Posted by Tom at 05:13 1 comments
Labels: 2012, book, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality, The Leonard Lopate Show
Carol Blue on "CBS This Morning"
September 8, 2012Posted by Tom at 08:40 1 comments
Labels: 2012, Carol Blue, CBS, Charlie Rose, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality
Mortality reviews 3
September 2, 2012A Wit Rages Before the Abyss
By Henry Allen
The proof that there is no afterlife is that Christopher Hitchens is not sending us columns, essays, books, perversities, aperçus and polemics from it. The closest we have so far is the 104 pages of "Mortality." He wrote them while knowing that he would die soon of esophageal cancer, which he did last Dec. 15, at the age of 62. Not a word from him since.
The Guardian
Mortality by Christopher Hitchens – review
By Colm Tóibín
He was the best company in the whole world; he had read widely and because he was an industrious man and filled with curiosity, he hoped to read much more. He would stay up late drinking and talking, moving with judicious and delicious care from the large questions of the day to the small sweet business of invective, anecdotes and gossip.
The New York Times/Sunday Book Review
Staying power
By Christopher Buckley
Christopher Hitchens began his memoir, “Hitch-22,” on a note of grim amusement at finding himself described in a British National Portrait Gallery publication as “the late Christopher Hitchens.” He wrote, “So there it is in cold print, the plain unadorned phrase that will one day become unarguably true.”
Big Think
Book Of The Month
By Nick Clairmont
We are pleased but saddened to introduce our third book of the month: Mortality by Christopher Hitchens. The posthumous book represents the last work of the great journalist, polemicist, and thinker.
The Last Word
By Jeff Sharlet
Mortality, a posthumous collection of Christopher Hitchens’s short essays on living with terminal esophageal cancer—“a distinctly bizarre way of ‘living,’” he emphasizes, “lawyers in the morning and doctors in the afternoon”—is an odd little book, neither fully a cancer memoir nor a meditation on the meanings we attribute to the disease.
Posted by Tom at 07:56 0 comments
Labels: 2012, book review, cancer, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality
Book Review Podcast: Mortality
September 1, 2012Arts Beat/The New York Times
By John Williams
This week in the New York Times Book Review, Christopher Buckley reviews “Mortality” by Christopher Hitchens, a slender book that collects the essays Mr. Hitchens wrote after being stricken with esophageal cancer.
Posted by Tom at 09:06 1 comments
Labels: 2012, book review, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality, The New York Times
Mortality reviews 2
August 31, 2012Mail Online
By John Preston
The Christopher Hitchens who stares out of the cover of this book is a very different-looking figure to the one who appeared on all his other books. He’s thinner for a start - much thinner. And so is his hair. The once-thick brown mop has gone and in its place is a light dusting of frizz
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Los Angeles Times
Review: Christopher Hitchens stays contrarian in 'Mortality'
By David L. Ulin
For all that literature is an art of self-exposure, writers tend to back away from impending death. The shelf of firsthand looks at what Janet Hobhouse called "this dying business" is a short one —,0,6090416.story
The Miami Herald
Hitch’s losing battle
By Ariel Gonzalez
By all means, let us speak ill of the dead. Christopher Hitchens would have it no other way. He wore out soles from dancing on graves. Among the famously departed he dissed were Princess Diana (“a simpering Bambi narcissist”), Mother Teresa (“a thieving, fanatical Albanian dwarf”), and Ronald Reagan (“an obvious phony and loon”).
Read more here:
The Huffington Post
The Imperfect Pleasure of Reading Christopher Hitchens
By Wayne K. Spear
The author known chiefly from his 1949 work Nineteen Eighty-Four was by turns a police officer, tramp, gardener and soldier, as well as a broadcaster -- his depiction of the Ministry of Truth drawing upon the BBC building in which he broadcast a literary radio program.
Plus Excerpt via Publishers Weekly
Posted by Tom at 14:15 0 comments
Labels: 2012, book review, cancer, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality
Death, Explained
August 29, 2012Christopher Hitchens’ Mortality: A rare honest book about death.
By Katie Roiphe
Before being diagnosed with esophageal cancer, Christopher Hitchens wrote in his memoir, Hitch-22, “I want to stare death in the eye.”
This seems, of course, an impossible blustery task, but in his last book, Mortality he comes astonishingly close to pulling it off.
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Posted by Tom at 21:30 0 comments
Labels: 2012, book, cancer, Christopher Hitchens, death, Mortality, Slate
The PEN/Diamonstein-Spielvogel Award for Art of the Essay
2012 Winner: Arguably
"Arguably is a book of essays astonishingly wide-ranging and provocative, taking on everything from Middle Eastern politics to Thomas Jefferson and Prince Charles, from Lolita and Ezra Pound to Hitler, Saul Bellow and Hugo Boss."
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Martin Amis: Still talking to Hitch
![]() |
1977 |
Author Martin Amis on coping with the loss of his best friend Christopher Hitchens.
When Christopher Hitchens died in December, Martin Amis lost his best friend. The British author says his immediate desolation gave way to a much greater love of life, something Amis believes Hitchens had in spades and bequeathed to him when he passed away.
Watch video here.
Posted by Tom at 07:32 0 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Martin Amis
Mortality reviews
August 26, 2012The Guardian
Daily Mail Online
There has been a recent spate of books written by men suffering from terminal cancer. Mortality by Christopher Hitchens is, by my reckoning, the third this year, the others being When I Die by the New Labour PR Philip Gould, and Until Further Notice, I Am Alive by the art critic Tom Lubbock.
No one who might have glanced over back in December at a post on my now defunct political blog, Orwell’s Hanky, about the death of Christopher Hitchens, will labor through this review with any misapprehensions regarding objectivity. I’ve grown to become very comfortable in the position that no review (or even, honestly, rather much journalism of any sort) can or should reach for objectivity.
Posted by Tom at 17:38 0 comments
Labels: 2012, book, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality, review

MORTALITY is the exemplary story of one man's refusal to cower in the face of the unknown, as well as a searching look at the human predicament. Crisp and vivid, veined throughout with penetrating intelligence, Hitchens's testament is a courageous and lucid work of literature, an affirmation of the dignity and worth of man.
Posted by Tom at 17:11 0 comments
Labels: 2012, book, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality
Christopher Hitchens: an impossible act to follow
August 25, 2012The Telegraph
By Carol Blue
Onstage, my husband was an impossible act to follow.
If you ever saw him at the podium, you may not share Richard Dawkins’s assessment that “he was the greatest orator of our time”, but you will know what I mean – or at least you won’t think, “She would say that, she’s his wife.”
Offstage, my husband was an impossible act to follow.
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Posted by Tom at 08:22 0 comments
Labels: 2012, cancer, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, the telegraph
The “unpublished jottings” of Christopher Hitchens
August 23, 2012By Christopher Hitchens and David Plotz
Posted by Tom at 13:32 2 comments
Labels: 2012, cancer, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, David Plotz, Mortality
'I am not fighting or battling cancer - it is fighting me'
August 19, 2012As he faced death from cancer, author and journalist Christopher Hitchens kept his wry sense of humour to the very end, it emerged today.
He used a hospital food tray as a desk for his computer to record his last thoughts about the illness which claimed his life at 62.
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Posted by Tom at 08:27 0 comments
Labels: 2012, battle, cancer, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, Daily Mail, Peter Hitchens
Mr. Deity and the Hitch
July 11, 2012Posted by Tom at 06:14 4 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Mr. Deity, Pearly Gates
The Importance of Being Orwell
July 9, 2012Vanity Fair | August 2012
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted by Tom at 16:48 3 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, diaries, George Orwell
MORTALITY by Christopher Hitchens
June 22, 2012By Cary Goldstein, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief, Twelve Books
Posted by Tom at 14:53 3 comments
Labels: 2012, book, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality, September, Twelve Books
Missing Hitchens
June 13, 2012Vanity Fair Slideshow July 2012
Family, friends, and esteemed colleagues gathered to celebrate the life and career of award-winning journalist Christopher Hitchens at the Cooper Union Foundation Building, in New York City.
Posted by Tom at 21:59 3 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Memorial, New York
Hitchens honoured with Orwell memorial
The Telegraph
Christopher Hitchens, the writer and commentator once described as the heir to George Orwell, was given a posthumous honour at this year's Orwell Prize.
Christopher Hitchens, the writer and commentator who died last year, was last night honoured with a Memorial at this year's Orwell Prize, Britain’s most prestigious prize for political writing.
Posted by Tom at 15:42 0 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Orwell memorial
VF & CH Win National Magazine Award in “Columns and Commentary”
May 5, 2012Vanity Fair
Posted by Tom at 06:10 0 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Ellie, National Magazine Award, Vanity Fair
PEN Festival Panel Gives Hitchens Mixed Grades
May 2, 2012
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Posted by Tom at 06:34 12 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, PEN World Voices Festival, tribute
Christopher Hitchens Memorial
April 22, 2012By Vanity Fair

Posted by Tom at 08:19 10 comments
Labels: 2012, April 20, Christopher Hitchens, Memorial, New York, Vanity Fair
Christopher Hitchens’s Memorial
April 21, 2012By Vanity Fair
“To remember friendship is to recall those conversations that it seemed a sin to break off,” wrote the late Christopher Hitchens in his June 2011 column, “Unspoken Truths,” for Vanity Fair. Today, at a memorial service in the Great Hall of Cooper Union, in New York, many of Hitchens’s friends and admirers did just that.
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Related links
Christopher Hitchens' wit and warmth remembered as New York pays tribute
Christopher Hitchens Memorial: Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie, Olivia Wilde Remember Writer
Christopher Hitchens Is Memorialized With an Irreverence That Would Please Him
Christopher Hitchens remembered at memorial service in NYC
Hitch remembered with wit
Posted by Tom at 09:34 0 comments
Labels: 2012, April 20, Christopher Hitchens, Memorial, New York, Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair to Host Christopher Hitchens Memorial
April 18, 2012

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Read also "A Memorial, Ribald and Reverent, for Christopher Hitchens"
A discussion about Christopher Hitchens
April 16, 2012A discussion about the life and work of author Christopher Hitchens with his friends and fellow authors: Salman Rushdie, Martin Amis, James Fenton & Ian McEwan.
Watch it here (
Birthday, Memorial and a Tribute
April 13, 2012It's April 13th. Some want to call it Christopher Hitchens Day. I agree with Staks Rosch: "While some atheists will be raising a glass of Johnny Walk Black in his honor, I think the time for that solute is over. Now is the time to share his wit and wisdom with others in celebration of his life. So pick up your copy of God Is Not Great or your Quotable Hitchens and share a quote or three on your social networks and with your friends and family on his birthday. Read more (
Then again, why not do both?
There's also a Hitch day facebook event
Ephraim Hardcastle asks "What would Christoper Hitchens make of his Vanity Fair memorial arrangements?"
It's an invitation-only event at Cooper Union school in New York, on April 20.
Read more:
Then we have the PEN World Voices Festival, New York City, with a Christopher Hitchens tribute on Monday, April 30.
With Graydon Carter, Victor S. Navasky, George Packer, and Katha Pollit. Moderated by Ian Buruma.
No word yet on a possible London, UK memorial.
Posted by Tom at 08:23 4 comments
Labels: 2012, birthday, Christopher Hitchens, Memorial, New York, tribute, Vanity Fair
The Orwell Prize longlist
March 28, 2012The Telegraph
The late Christopher Hitchens is one of 18 authors selected for the Orwell Prize for political writing.
A book by the late Christopher Hitchens is leading the field for this year’s Orwell Prize for best political book. Arguably, a collection of essays whose subjects range from the War on Terror to Diana, Princess of Wales, was praised by Nicholas Shakespeare in the Telegraph as displaying the author's characteristic “wit, intelligence and passion”.
This year's shortlists are announced next month and the winners on May 23.
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Posted by Tom at 16:41 7 comments
Labels: 2012, Arguably, Christopher Hitchens, The Orwell Prize
The Hitch-Files
March 9, 2012GAWKER
The FBI Monitored a Young Christopher Hitchens
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Posted by Tom at 05:44 4 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, FBI, FOIA, investigation
3 books by Hitchens to be reissued in April
March 2, 2012USA TODAY
Cary Goldstein, publisher and editor-in-chief of Twelve, says the three books being reissued in print and as e-books for the first time, are:
- The Missionary Position: Mother Theresa in Theory and Practice with a new introduction by Thomas Mallon, originally published in 1995.
- No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton with a new introduction by Douglas Brinkley, originally published in 1999.
- The Trial of Henry Kissinger, with a new introduction by Ariel Dorfman, originally published in 2001.
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Oscars 2012: Christopher Hitchens honored by Vanity Fair
February 27, 2012LA Times / Ministry of Gossip
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Each place setting at the party has an engraved Zippo lighter with a Christopher Hitchens quote..!/VanityFair/status/173948927542968320/photo/1
Posted by Tom at 05:31 9 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Graydon Carter, Oscars, Vanity Fair
The Reactionary
February 9, 2012Atlantic Magazine | March 2012
By Christopher Hitchens
PROFESSOR KER’S SPIRITED and double-barreled attempt at a rehabilitation of his cherished subject is enjoyable in its own right, and takes in such matters as Chesterton’s dialectical genius for paradox, the authority of the Father Brown stories in the detective genre, and the salience of Charles Dickens in the English canonical one. But for him to show that his hero was the protagonist of a superior form of English democratic virtue, Ker would have to meet me where we are at agreement: on the high quality of Chesterton’s poems.
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The story behind Christopher Hitchens’s March 2012 essay here.
By Benjamin Schwarch, The Atlantic’s literary and national editor.
Posted by Tom at 06:02 4 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, G.K.Chesterton, Ian Ker, The Reactionary
In Defense of Richard Dawkins
February 4, 2012FREE INQUIRY February / March 2012
By Christopher Hitchens
If you haven’t read it, you will almost certainly have seen it: the critique of Professor Richard Dawkins that arraigns him for being too “strident” in his confrontations with his critics. According to this line of attack, Dawkins has no business stepping outside the academy to become a “public intellectual” and even...
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Posted by Tom at 08:28 2 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Free Inquiry, religion, Richard Dawkins
Arrangements and petitions
January 19, 2012Funeral and Memorial arrangements
By Peter Hitchens
Some people have asked me when and where my brother’s funeral took place. In fact, as Christopher donated his body to medical science, there has not been and will not be any funeral. He took this decision partly because of his religious (or rather non-religious) opinions, and partly because, much influenced by his friend Jessica Mitford and her book ‘The American Way of Death’, he disliked what he regarded as the excesses of the American funeral industry.
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Hitchens Monument Petition
Please help get a statue of Christopher erected in London (and, after so many comments rightly suggesting it, we’ll try for DC too) by signing the e-petition. Sign it here (
Take it seriously or not, there is a 'Award a posthumous Knighthood to Christopher Hitchens' petition with 273 signatures here. (
Posted by Tom at 06:17 16 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, funeral, knighthood, Memorial, Peter Hitchens, petition, statue
Hitchens memoir delayed to September
January 16, 2012Publication of Christopher Hitchens' last book Mortality, originally scheduled for April, has been put back to the autumn.
The title, a collection of essays on death first published in Vanity Fair, will now appear in September.
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Posted by Tom at 19:20 10 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality, September
Christopher Hitchens (Vanity Fair, Feb 2012)
January 6, 2012By Salman Rushdie
On June 8th, 2010, I was “in conversation” with Christopher Hitchens at the 92nd Street Y in New York in front of his customary sellout audience, to launch his memoir, Hitch-22. Christopher turned in a bravura performance that night, never sharper, never funnier, and afterwards at a small, celebratory dinner the brilliance continued. A few days later he told me that it was on the morning of the Y event that he had been given the news about his cancer.
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Posted by Tom at 06:06 16 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Salman Rushdie
A Jigger to Hitchens and a Toast to the Man
January 5, 2012Vanity Fair February 2012
By Graydon Carter
Christopher Hitchens was a wit, a charmer, and a troublemaker, and to those who knew him well, he was a gift from, dare I say it, God. He died 10 days before Christmas at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, in Houston, after a punishing battle with esophageal cancer, the same disease that had killed his father. His was a true life of the mind, and, in this respect, he towered over his contemporaries in Washington, New York, and London.
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Posted by Tom at 17:11 5 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Graydon Carter, Vanity Fair
Charles Dickens’s Inner Child
By Christopher Hitchens
Those who study Charles Dickens, or who keep up the great cult of his admiration, had been leading a fairly quiet life until a few years ago. The occasional letter bobs to the surface, or a bit of reminiscence is discovered, or perhaps some fragment of a souvenir from his first or second American tour.
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Posted by Tom at 16:45 5 comments
Labels: 2012, Charles Dickens, Christopher Hitchens, Vanity Fair