March 31, 2011 - Katie Allen
"Titles on feminism, New Labour and the life and times of Christopher Hitchens have been longlisted for the 2011 Orwell Prize for political writing.
The announcement was made at an event on Wednesday [30th March].
Eighteen titles including Natasha Walters' Living Dolls (Virago), Whatever It Takes: The Real Story of Gordon Brown and New Labour by Steve Richards (Fourth Estate) and Hitch 22 by Christopher Hitchens (Atlantic) are all longlisted for the £3,000 book prize."
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Hitch 22 up for Orwell Prize
March 31, 2011Posted by Tom at 16:26 4 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Hitch-22, Orwell Prize
The Iraq Effect
March 28, 2011If Saddam Hussein were still in power, this year's Arab uprisings could never have happened.
By Christopher Hitchens
"The most heartening single image of the past month—eclipsing even the bravery and dignity of the civilian fighters against despotism in Syria and Libya—was the sight of Hoshyar Zebari arriving in Paris to call for strong action against the depraved regime of Col. Muammar Qaddafi."
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Posted by Tom at 21:50 31 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Iraq, Slate
March 25, 2011By Jeremy Harding
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I salute you Christopher
I salute your life
How you played the dice …
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The song is on YouTube..
Posted by Tom at 17:58 12 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Jeremy Harding, LRB
Godless in Tumourville: Christopher Hitchens interview
By Mick Brown, 25 Mar 2011
"Writing in his memoirs, Hitch-22, of the numerous perils that he has faced as a reporter around the globe in places as various as Afghanistan, Northern Ireland and Beirut, Christopher Hitchens reflects that a little danger or discomfort can be a salutary thing: 'I still make sure to go, at least once every year, to a country where things cannot be taken for granted, and where there is either too much law and order or too little.’
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Posted by Tom at 11:56 6 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, interview, Mick Brown, the telegraph
The Quotable Christopher Hitchens
March 24, 2011By WSJ Staff
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Posted by Tom at 06:42 7 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, The Quotable Hitchens, WSJ
Don't Let Qaddafi Win
March 14, 2011By Christopher Hitchens
"...Qaddafi senior has reached his Ceausescu moment: a full-dress (in the literal sense) meltdown into paranoia, megalomania, and delusion. His recent speeches and appearances have shown him stinking with madness and hysteria. His age and condition, at any rate, set a very sharp limit to the duration of his regime."
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Posted by Tom at 17:16 11 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Libya, Qaddaffi, Slate
American Inaction Favors Qaddafi
March 7, 2011The administration's inadequate response to the crisis in Libya reveals a lack of courage and principle.
What I Don’t See at the Revolution
By Christopher Hitchens
"When anatomizing revolutions, it always pays to consult the whiskered old veterans. Those trying to master a new language, wrote Karl Marx about the turmoil in France in the 19th century, invariably begin haltingly, by translating it back into the familiar tongue they already know. And with his colleague Friedrich Engels he defined a revolution as the midwife by whom the new society is born from the body of the old."
Read More (Vanity Fair)
Outspoken and outrageous: Christopher Hitchens
Posted by Tom at 08:19 9 comments
Labels: 2011, 60 minutes, cancer, CBS News, Christopher Hitchens, interview, Steve Kroft
Hitchens feared cancer could stop his writing
March 4, 2011Posted by Tom at 20:16 11 comments
Labels: 2011, 60 minutes, cancer, CBS, Christopher Hitchens, interview, Steve Kroft