UPDATE: Watch/Download the debate on Internet Archive. Notice the play order of the videos
October 5, 2010. 92nd Street Y, New York.
Part 1
via AlbertDarwin007
What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

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Christopher Hitchens vs Tariq Ramadan - Is Islam a Religion of Peace? 1/10
October 30, 2010Posted by Tom at 19:22 13 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, debate, Islam, religion, Tariq Ramadan
Christopher Hitchens On Suffering, Beliefs And Dying
Christopher Hitchens interviewed on NPR. Listen here.
Posted by Tom at 03:33 3 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, NPR
Can Civilization Survive Without God?
A Conversation with Christopher and Peter Hitchens
Posted by Tom at 03:03 0 comments
Labels: 2010, Christer Hitchens, debate, Peter Hitchens, religion
City Lights: Billings blessed with spectacle of mix of beliefs
October 28, 2010By Ed Kemmick.
"A journalist, author, critic and debater, Hitchens is one of those distinctly British intellectuals who seems to have read everything and forgotten nothing. In his columns, essays and books, in his speeches and impromptu public appearances, he is incapable of uttering or writing a boring sentence."
Read article here. (Billings Gazette)
Pre-Order a DVD of our latest debate - featuring Christopher Hitchens and Larry Taunton. Buy the pre-order now for a discounted price! DVDs expected to ship in a few months.
Iraq Through Night-Vision Goggles
October 25, 2010offers the soldiers' perspective.
By Christopher Hitchens
"For anybody of my generation, the term body count possesses
a reek of association that will never quite be dispelled."
Read More (Slate)
Posted by Tom at 19:29 7 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, Iraq, Slate
'My life is my writing ... my children come later'
October 23, 2010“I'd have to say, not to be a hypocrite, that my life is my writing before it's anything. Because that's who I am and my children come later and that's what they've had to put up with,” he says. Read interview here.
Posted by Tom at 06:00 3 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, Globe and Mail, interview, Sonia Verma
Nov. 4: An Evening with Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Prothero
October 22, 2010![]() |
The Jewish Center |
A friendly debate
October 20, 2010UPDATE.
From Fixed Point: Due to technical difficulties at the event location, the live stream of this debate was canceled. We apologize for the inconvenience. Plans are already underway to provide a screening and/or online stream of the full event in the near future. Check back soon for details.
Read More (ktvq.com)
Posted by Tom at 16:27 0 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, debate, Larry Taunton, religion
An Unlikely Friendship
October 19, 2010
Pre-debate clip with Hitchens and Taunton
Full Story (kulr8.com)
Posted by Tom at 15:48 5 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, debate, Larry Taunton, religion
STREAMING LIVE: God or No God? - A Debate
Posted by Tom at 05:04 8 comments
Labels: 2010, atheism, Christopher Hitchens, debate, Larry Taunton, religion
Hezbollah's Progress
October 18, 2010Posted by Tom at 18:07 1 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, Hezbollah, Slate
Hitchens/Blair Debate - MORE TICKETS!
October 15, 2010Everyone, log on to http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/hitchensblair/ and sign the petition. Do it right away to give the organizers time to relocate the event and to release more tickets for this debate. Remember, it has happened before. Hitchens' debates have been relocated due to great demand, so this is absolutely possible.
You could also email the organizers at http://www.munkdebates.com/organizers.
Posted by Tom at 04:57 7 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, debate, Tony Blair
Hitchens brothers debate over whether civilization can survive without God. (Clip)
October 13, 2010Christopher and Peter, Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion and Public life, Oct 12, 2010
Link to CNN Belief Blog
npr.org (3 min 50 sec)
Posted by Tom at 17:07 3 comments
Labels: 2010, atheism, Christopher Hitchens, debate, God, Peter Hitchens, religion
Christopher and Peter Hitchens debate religion against brutal backdrop
Sitting before a highly unusual forum at the Pew Research Center this afternoon were the provocateur atheist writer Christopher Hitchens, thinned and bald from ongoing chemotherapy, and his brother, Peter, a journalist and devout Christian. The brothers have had a largely estranged, cold relationship but had agreed to a gentle debate on the subject about which they both have recently published books -- God.
Read More (washingtonpost.com)
Christopher Hitchens and Tony Blair to debate Religion
October 12, 2010Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, Canada.
“This debate is not about the existence of God,” says Rudyard Griffiths, co-director and moderator of the Munk Debates. “We have asked Mr. Blair and Mr. Hitchens to wrestle with the more immediate question facing developed and developing nations: Is religion a force for peace or conflict in the modern world?”
More info:
Posted by Tom at 16:02 14 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, debate, religion, Tony Blair
The Politicians We Deserve
October 11, 2010By Christopher Hitchens
Read More (Slate)
Posted by Tom at 18:39 5 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, politics, Slate
October 8, 2010Peach pits, open chakras, macrobiotic diets: cancer patients get more unsolicited advice than they could possibly follow. Cutting-edge medicine seems to offer limitless options, too—until the author runs smack into the lethal idiocy of the godly opponents of stem-cell research.
Posted by Tom at 16:05 5 comments
Labels: 2010, cancer, Christopher Hitchens, Vanity Fair
Is Islam a Religion of Peace?
October 7, 20109 min. clip from the Hitchens - Ramadan debate: Is Islam a Religion of Peace? Moderated by Laurie Goodstein. October 5, 2010 at the 92nd Street Y
Posted by Tom at 18:50 23 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, debate, Islam, religion, Tariq Ramadan
Coming up..
October 4, 2010CH on DUTV: "Part one of a two-part interview with author and journalist Christopher Hitchens will air on Tuesday, October 5 at 8 p.m., repeating Saturday, October 9 and Sunday, October 10 at 10 a.m. DUTV can be seen throughout Philadelphia on Comcast Cable channel 54 and in West Philadelphia on channel 62. On the University City Main Campus, DUTV can be seen on channel 33."
Oct 5, 6pm, Live via satellite, Christopher Hitchens and Tariq Ramadan: “Is Islam a religion of peace?”
Posted by Tom at 23:11 4 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, DUTV, Tariq Ramadan
Not So Hidden Influences
Is it so offensive to note the effectiveness of the Jewish lobby?
Posted by Tom at 19:59 4 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, Rick Sanchez, Slate