Men like Bishop Eddie Long are fouling the legacy of the civil rights movement.
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Christopher Hitchens (1949 - 2011) was an Anglo-American author and journalist. His books made him a prominent public intellectual and a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits. He was a columnist and literary critic at Vanity Fair, Slate, The Atlantic, World Affairs, The Nation, Free Inquiry and a variety of other media outlets. He was named one of the world's "Top 100 Public Intellectuals" by Foreign Policy and Britain's Prospect.
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Men like Bishop Eddie Long are fouling the legacy of the civil rights movement. By Christopher Hitchens " Passing through Union Stati...

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September 27, 2010Posted by Tom at 18:30
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, civil rights, Eddie Long, religion
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Coming from Chicago, it's news to me that black clergy gets a "free pass" in this society. We have a few guys around here by the names of Jackson, Farrakhan, Wright, Rush, and Meeks who seem to have received bad press once or twice.
"Coming from Chicago, it's news to me that black clergy gets [sic] a "free pass" in this society"
Thanks for sharing. Now fuck off.
I don't like Mondays either.
Thanks for sharing. Now fuck off.
Sorry that I proved that your sinister guru of the crap Church of Militant Atheism is full of shit.
FGFM: I think it's the fact that guys like Jackson, Farrakhan, Wright, Rush, and Meeks are in the position to receive bad press (in other words, that they are not totally ignored as charlatans) that make Hitchen's point.
It's really about unpacking what is meant by "free pass." You would say that that means that they don't ever receive bad press. Hitchens would say that it means that the mainstream media don't point out the obvious that the are morons and crooks.
Most people would say that the latter meaning is the important point (and worth pointing out) while your complaint is merely nitpicking and that it is *you* that's full of shit.
It's really about unpacking what is meant by "free pass." You would say that that means that they don't ever receive bad press. Hitchens would say that it means that the mainstream media don't point out the obvious that the [sic] are morons and crooks.
"Most people" would say that "free pass" means "free pass." These individuals obviously did not get one, particularly since Hitchens apparently learned about Rev. Wright from the New York Times and the media subsequently went into a feeding frenzy over the guy.
Hitchens: ...Did you read the New York Times on Monday?
Farley: I didn't.
Hitchens: Well, have a look at the crap church he is involved with in Chicago. Sinister, ethnic-based, cult thing. And this guru he's got. If it was a Republican doing this we'd all be absolutely surging to and fro. They get a free pass.
Commentators and pundits
Conservative radio talk show and television host Sean Hannity expressed shock and anger when hearing the comments, saying, "First of all, I will not let up on this issue. If his pastor went to Libya, Tripoli with Louis Farrakhan, a virulent, anti-Semitic racist, his church gave a lifetime achievement award to Louis Farrakhan. That's been Barack Obama's pastor for 20 years. And we will continue to expose this until somebody in the mainstream media has the courage to take this on."[50] editor-in-chief Joan Walsh wrote, "the whole idea that Wright has been attacked over 'sound bites,' and if Americans saw his entire sermons, in context, they'd feel differently, now seems ludicrous. The long clips Moyers played only confirm what was broadcast in the snippets..." and notes, "My conclusion Friday night was bolstered by new tapes of Wright that came out this weekend, including one that captures him saying the Iraq war is 'the same thing al-Qaida is doing under a different color flag,' and a much longer excerpt from the 'God damn America' sermon that denounces 'Condoskeezer Rice...'".[51]
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly said of Wright, "In my opinion, Rev. Jeremiah Wright is not an honest man. He preaches anti-white and anti-American rhetoric, all the while making money off it."[52]
The controversy sparked continuous media coverage, on both national media outlets and local sources. More than 3,000 news stories had been written on the issue by early April.[57]
It's really about unpacking what is meant by "free pass." You would say that that means that they don't ever receive bad press. Hitchens would say that it means that the mainstream media don't point out the obvious that the [sic] are morons and crooks.
"Most people" would say that "free pass" means "free pass." These individuals obviously did not get one, particularly since Hitchens apparently learned about Rev. Wright from the New York Times and the media subsequently went into a feeding frenzy over the guy.
Hitchens: ...Did you read the New York Times on Monday?
Farley: I didn't.
Hitchens: Well, have a look at the crap church he is involved with in Chicago. Sinister, ethnic-based, cult thing. And this guru he's got. If it was a Republican doing this we'd all be absolutely surging to and fro. They get a free pass.
A free pass doesn't mean that everyone gives you a free pass. It means that certain elements of society give you a free pass. And that doesn't mean that those elements agree with you, it means that they grant you privileges based on your title and not your opinions.
Come on, FGFM, it's not rocket science.
He is but a bewildered little mediocrity, angry and ignorant.
Do please fuck off, FGFM.
A free pass doesn't mean that everyone gives you a free pass. It means that certain elements of society give you a free pass. And that doesn't mean that those elements agree with you, it means that they grant you privileges based on your title and not your opinions.
Which part of "continuous media coverage" was the free pass? It's not rocket science. Speaking of rocket science, what maneuver would a spaceship pilot have to perform to dock with another spacecraft in the same orbit?
He is but a bewildered little mediocrity, angry and ignorant.
What's the second derivative of a parabola?
Were you not the fool who maintained that Hitchens gave Evangelical Christians a "free pass" - scare quotes or no - because he didn't criticise each and everyone of them each and everytime they did any little thing whatsoever? You're rather stupid, and not the most subtle or self-aware of creatures.
"What's the second derivative of a parabola?"
Who cares? It's all Geek to me!
Ban FGFM, ban them! They do not fit our doctrine or out-look. Ban everyone (and delete those comments) that distracts from our websites point of view.
Also post everyone's ISP location as a warning, "we can track you down if we don't like you..."
Then post grotesque comments about how we would love to get hold of their corpses to piss and shit on as we please, now that we are no longer in any danger of actually having to defend ourselves from our defences of Iranian psychos or Western sycos.
Both not nearly as bad as someone who drinks ALCOHOL
Were you not the fool who maintained that Hitchens gave Evangelical Christians a "free pass" - scare quotes or no - because he didn't criticise each and everyone of them each and everytime they did any little thing whatsoever?
Going after Dobson once the same way he went after this utterly insignificant Bishop Long character instead of taking the former's money would have been nice.
Who cares? It's all Geek to me!
That's one of the many reasons why I work in finance and you are a Hitchens fan-boy.
Then post grotesque comments about how we would love to get hold of their corpses to piss and shit on as we please, now that we are no longer in any danger of actually having to defend ourselves from our defences of Iranian psychos or Western sycos.
Good times.
He works in finance. What a hero.
The original points still stand however, on their own logical stilts:
a) You were simply factually wrong on several counts.
b) You were caught applying standards and definitions variably to suit your Hitchens-is-wrong-on-everything-and-always mandate.
c) You're an ignorant fool.
"That's one of the many reasons why I work in finance and you are a Hitchens fan-boy."
Not fair now listen:
I agree with Mr Hitchens on relgion and a few otehr things but I disagree with him on Iran, Iraq and a few other thinsg.
"Going after Dobson once the same way he went after this utterly insignificant Bishop Long character instead of taking the former's money would have been nice."
And who's money do you take in finance? The poors I bet!
More autistic bullshit from the Internet Financier.
He works in finance. What a hero.
Me and Lord Soros.
I agree with Mr [sic] Hitchens on relgion [sic] and a few otehr [sic] things but I disagree with him on Iran, Iraq and a few other thinsg. [sic]
You obviously agree with him on drinking while writing.
And who's [sic] money do you take in finance? The poors I bet!
Contrary to what Hitchens might say, it really is a zero-sum game!
More autistic bullshit from the Internet Financier.
I'd pepper you with some finance questions, but I know you wouldn't be able to answer those either! And I never said that I was a financier, I said that I work in finance.
"I'd pepper you with some finance questions, but I know you wouldn't be able to answer those either!"
Congenital moron once again displays his miraculous ability to easily and always utterly misunderstand what is going on around him.
Congenital moron once again displays his miraculous ability to easily and always utterly misunderstand what is going on around him.
It's The Bishop!
I quote from a different messageboard:
"This message board was hijacked by FGFM a long time ago and that's why the Reader is losing its credibility. Honestly, look at the number of comments he's made and then compare that number with the next highest commenter. He can't stop himself and if anyone dares to respond to him, he will always be the last to respond with some insulting remark while claiming to be a poor innocent victim. That's what trolls do.
One day the Reader will wise up (but it may be too late by the time it does) and realize that it's really okay to censor a troll. Freedom of speech stops when trolls can sabotage a board and intimidate others from posting. Honestly, for FGFM, freedom of speech has never been valued. It must be about him and only about him. That's the way self-centered trolls behave and it will continue until he takes his last dying breath. He must inflict his own misery onto others.
Okay, FGFM. Take it away. Have the last word (again)."
What the Cappleman!
I find it extremely amusing how I can tell which comment section has a troll - if a relatively recent post has double digit numbers in the comment section - *tada* - there is a troll poking and prodding the locals ;-).
Just as a side note FGFM - you might not want to be so quick with the working in finance line when the peasants begin reassembling the guillotines ;-).
Just as a side note FGFM - you might not want to be so quick with the working in finance line when the peasants begin reassembling the guillotines ;-).
Bring it.
The self-aggrandizing and incompetent FGFM works in a self-aggrandizing and incompetent sector? Unsurprising.
The self-aggrandizing and incompetent FGFM works in a self-aggrandizing and incompetent sector?
For a very low-key, but highly competent firm.
Sure, boss. We believe you. I mean, considering your constant and interminable Internet trolling, your general ignorance, and your witlessness, what's not to suggest high finace?
FGFM have their own website if you want to feel like you need a wash.
Imagine a Beck or Bauchman in a parallel universe only more petty and revolting
"For a very low-key"
Yeah that's one way to say, "non-existant"!
Ha ha hahahaahhahah!
I mean, considering your constant and interminable Internet trolling, your general ignorance, and your witlessness, what's not to suggest high finace? [sic]
I never claimed that the finance I'm involved in is particularly high, but perhaps you'd like to tell me the most efficient way one could hedge 100 shares of IBM through January without paying money out of pocket? It's not exactly rocket science, you know.
Imagine a Beck or Bauchman [sic] in a parallel universe only more petty and revolting
I'm not telling you to pay gold.
Confused low-key Internet financier demands answers, misses point.
Frustrated Decent.
Low-key Internet financier declares victory.
Yeah that's one way to say, "non-existant"! [sic]
So, still no answer to that IBM hedging question? What the Cappleman!
Low-key high finance.
Hey, here's a good example of a real anti-Glenn Beck article!
Glenn Beck is obsessed with Hitler and Woodrow Wilson. (I'm just saying.)
Why can't Hitchens produce something like that instead just mentioning offhand that Beck is a Mormon convert?
Autistic Buffet-wannabe demands answers. Go back to your antisemite hate site and throw about some more of your paranoid theories, you ginger twat.
Autistic Buffet-wannabe demands answers. Go back to your antisemite [sic] hate site and throw about some more of your paranoid theories, you ginger twat.
Furious half-caste bastard throws a fit when confronted with Hitchens' hypocrisy.
FGFM says: "Furious half-caste bastard..."
Wikipedia says: "Half caste is a term used in the United Kingdom and other English-speaking parts of the world. It is considered highly offensive."
Uh-oh! I think it is a racist term, FGFM. I can't believe you are being racist especialy as you often say that Hitchens is a racist or really drop those hints.
Well, FGFM frequents and contributes to an antisemitic site, and is very much quiet on the subject, or even quietly appreciative, of antisemitism, so it's not too much of a surprise really.
I mean, it's laughable that he doesn't think Hitchens loudly and persistently goes after Glenn Beck when he is surrounded by paranoid wingnuts himself. As it has been long known, scratch a paranoid, find an antisemitic bigot.
Also, FGFM's father, as he terribly unwisely once revealed in a pitifully self-pitying little mini-biog, was an impoverished racist bully, so the old chestnut about apples and trees does spring to mind, to get metaphorically mixed for a moment. It is perhaps also goes some way to explaining why this Internet Financier is so unusually proud and boastful of being in possession of that most uncommon of things: A Job.
Uh-oh! I think it is a racist term
Cry me a river, liberal.
Thin Lizzy
Well, FGFM frequents and contributes to an antisemitic site, and is very much quiet on the subject, or even quietly appreciative, of antisemitism, so it's not too much of a surprise really.
I'm against it.
the old chestnut about apples and trees does spring to mind, to get metaphorically mixed for a moment
What a poet!
Right. I'll believe you when you stop calling people half-caste, banning people for pointing out the antisemitism on your highly antisemitic blog.
I know you think you're not, but personal conviction is pretty much all you have going for you. Your actions, on the contrary, are pretty damning. On this point, like so many, you are simply delusional, you silly bigot.
I should add that FGFM claims to have his own personal "test" for verifying people who claim to be Jewish or black on the Internet. The online equivalent of a pencil in the hair. But, you know, he's not a total nutjob in the least. Why? Cause he says he isn't, and he went to uni (well, sort of).
I'll believe you when you stop calling people half-caste, banning people for pointing out the antisemitism on your highly antisemitic blog.
I suggest that you write a letter, like the time you claimed that you were banned for supposedly being Jewish when it was simply a matter of Haloscan being down and no one could post.
I should add that FGFM claims to have his own personal "test" for verifying people who claim to be Jewish or black on the Internet.
Well, there actually are a fair number of right-wingers who claim to be black in an attempt to bolster their racist rhetoric. This is quickly deflated by asking them what sort of side dishes and deserts are served at a typical black function.
No, Greywolf called me a kike, deleted my posts, and then banned me. Similar to you, if one keeps poking and prodding then he collapses into a tantrum and starts throwing out his prejudicial nonsense.
I'm not the first, and certainly not the last, to find Hitchens Watch to be appallingly antisemitic. If you choose not to see it, all the worse for you. But frankly calling a half-Jewish person "a half-caste bastard" is not daring un-PCness on your part, whichever way you cut it. Show me your friends and I'll show you who, and what, you are, you paranoid antisemite.
"Well, there actually are a fair number of right-wingers who claim to be black in an attempt to bolster their racist rhetoric."
As I said, you are a paranoid nutjob. A test for blackness. Cripes. What a bigot.
I'm not the first, and certainly not the last, to find Hitchens Watch to be appallingly antisemitic.
You're not the first person to be delusional.
Show me your friends and I'll show you who, and what, you are, you paranoid antisemite.
I shook Rahm Emanuel's hand today.
As I said, you are a paranoid nutjob. A test for blackness. Cripes. What a bigot.
It's not a test for blackness per se, but a method of exposing white bigots who are pretending to be black on the Internet for propaganda purposes.
"It's not a test for blackness per se, but a method of exposing white bigots who are pretending to be black on the Internet for propaganda purposes."
"I shook Rahm Emanuel's hand today."
I rather doubt he considers you a friend, friend.
Though what a busy life you must lead! With all the low-key high-finance and this hobnobbing with elites, it's a wonder you find the time to spend every waking moment trolling online message boards subjecting blacks and Jews to your personally tailored verification processes. Paranoia must be terrifically energising.
People who pretend to be black on the Internet for political purposes are indeed lunatics, but it's more common than you might think.
I rather doubt [Rahm Emanuel] considers you a friend, friend.
I'm voting for the Irish guy.
it's a wonder you find the time to spend every waking moment trolling online message boards subjecting blacks and Jews to your personally tailored verification processes.
Indeed, but I do occasionally have to break for meals.
"People who pretend to be black on the Internet for political purposes are indeed lunatics, but it's more common than you might think."
I admit they are contenders for lunacy, but the real lunatic champ here is the bigot applying black tests based on "typical black meals" and "typical black side dishes" and I don't even fucking want to know what test you use on Jews.
"Indeed, but I do occasionally have to break for meals."
But don't you film these and post them on your YouTube channel? So more of a working lunch, rather.
I admit they are contenders for lunacy, but the real lunatic champ here is the bigot applying black tests based on "typical black meals" and "typical black side dishes" and I don't even fucking want to know what test you use on Jews.
I don't see what's so bad about occasionally exposing anti-black bigots as frauds. Most of what I've learned about Jewish culture has been from Allan Sherman records, so I don't know anything about it that wouldn't be general knowledge. It rarely comes up as an issue in any event.
But don't you film these and post them on your YouTube channel? So more of a working lunch, rather.
I would, but I'm busy eating.
"I don't see what's so bad about occasionally exposing anti-black bigots as frauds."
There evidently is a long and rich litany of things in which you can't quite manage to make out the badness, like a mole squinting in the gloom, but, sure, when you put it like that it appears positively commendable. However, if you look at the nuts and bolts of the issue, and please do, i.e. your personal "black test" based on "typical black side dishes" for outing suspect blacks on the Internet, and we all know how dim your powers of perception and how bright your paranoia are, well, I think we can all agree it is just to the wrong side of absolutely bat-shit-fucking crazy, and you're saved from the accusation of racism merely because you are clearly too stupid, too crazy, and too paranoid to be at all aware of what you're doing. A thick bigot, is all.
You just do not realise how paranoid and weird a guy you are, do you? It's remarkable. Zero self-awarness.
"I would, but I'm busy eating."
Well now, we all know that's just not true. Don't be a liar in addition to everything else.
Stay classy, friend.
There evidently is a long and rich litany of things in which you can't quite manage to make out the badness, like a mole squinting in the gloom, but, sure, when you put it like that it appears positively commendable. However, if you look at the nuts and bolts of the issue, and please do, i.e. your personal "black test" based on "typical black side dishes" for outing suspect blacks on the Internet, and we all know how dim your powers of perception and how bright your paranoia are, well, I think we can all agree it is just to the wrong side of absolutely bat-shit-fucking crazy, and you're saved from the accusation of racism merely because you are clearly too stupid, too crazy, and too paranoid to be at all aware of what you're doing. A thick bigot, is all.
I appreciate your concern, but those types typically get completely flustered and it becomes painfully obvious that they are lying.
Stay classy, friend.
And thirsty!
"I appreciate your concern, but those types typically get completely flustered and it becomes painfully obvious that they are lying."
To be honest, I'm more interested in the guys who pass. Any half-caste bastards among them, I wonder?
Maybe you and Greywolf could get together and develop the patented HitchWatch kike test.
To be honest, I'm more interested in the guys who pass.
They never pass because it's already pretty obvious to me that they are not black by the time it gets to that point.
Maybe you and Greywolf could get together and develop the patented HitchWatch kike test.
I'll pass.
You're a spectacular idiot.
You're a spectacular idiot.
And you bother stalking me.
It is fun to smack you about a bit every now and then and watch you lose your cool and start blathering bigoted things and threatening violence and forgetting to stick to your catchphrases and generally make a complete arse and laughing stock of yourself, sure. Fun. Who doesn't enjoy ridiculing arrogant antisemites every now and then? Even if they are ginger and autistic.
I mean, for someone who boasts so much about their level of intelligence (I think Shakespeare had a telling apercu on the point, but I'm sure you know it, as a magna cum lauda scholar) it's really not very surprising to discover how much of a confused mediocrity you are.
It is fun to smack you about a bit every now and then and watch you lose your cool and start blathering bigoted things and threatening violence and forgetting to stick to your catchphrases and generally make a complete arse and laughing stock of yourself, sure. Fun. Who doesn't enjoy ridiculing arrogant antisemites every now and then? Even if they are ginger and autistic.
If you say so.
I mean, for someone who boasts so much about their level of intelligence (I think Shakespeare had a telling apercu on the point, but I'm sure you know it, as a magna cum lauda [sic] scholar) it's really not very surprising to discover how much of a confused mediocrity you are.
Funny how are still unable to answer a single one of my "gotcha" questions even if you did make some pathetic attempts at bluffing your way through the one about the second derivative of a parabola.
Wow, look at the comment count. I think you girls should agree that you're both pretty and move on.
I think you girls should agree that you're both pretty and move on.
Don't be such a lesbian.
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