Aug 22, 2010. Rabbi Shmuley discusses cancer, religion, Hitch22, and prayers with CH.
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Welcome to an unofficial Christopher Hitchens site.
Christopher Hitchens (1949 - 2011) was an Anglo-American author and journalist. His books made him a prominent public intellectual and a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits. He was a columnist and literary critic at Vanity Fair, Slate, The Atlantic, World Affairs, The Nation, Free Inquiry and a variety of other media outlets. He was named one of the world's "Top 100 Public Intellectuals" by Foreign Policy and Britain's Prospect.
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77 WABC Radio: Christopher Hitchens
August 24, 2010Posted by Tom at 11:19
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, Hitch22, religion, Shmuley Boteach
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I've been looking for this - thanks.
Excellent interview. He doesn't sound so great, compared to his interviews with Charlie Rose and Anderson Cooper.
Nonetheless, some optimism, good to see.
Praying for Hitchens?
The rabbi should file a lawsuit against God for crimes against humanity.
There's a lot of praying and that doesn't seem to do any good. So try something different all you believers. Don't let your god get away with everything
Oh he doesn't sound good!
Pushy Muslims win again! Suck it, Hitch.
Yellow Cab to stop running anti-Islam ads
Yellow Cab Chicago requested today that a fleet of taxis remove controversial anti-Islam ads.
The ads, sponsored by the group Stop of Islamization of America, appeared on 25 Chicago cabs this summer.
Beside pictures of young women who were allegedly killed by their Muslim fathers for refusing an Islamic marriage, dating a non-Muslim or becoming "too Americanized" was the message: "Is your family threatening you?" The placards also displayed the Web address
Michael Levine, the CEO of Yellow Cab Chicago, said the signs were offensive to the city's taxi drivers, an estimated half of whom are Muslim.
The FGFM rule-of-thumb:
Islam bad, Jews worse, Hitch worst.
I used to post using my real name, which happens to be of Jewish origin, and my family and me were harassed (posting real addresses, phone numbers, etc.) by a rabid anti-Semetic Hitchens fan who liked him because of his Clinton book. Funny how that works, isn't it?
Tell it to Lou Pinnella, crybaby.
Why did your comrade Mark G (also and world famously known as "Dim") lie about this Hitchens appearance?
Decents want answers.
What happened to the exclamation points? They're an essential part of your(our) charm!
Tell it to Lou Pinnella, [sic] crybaby.
Go stab some cabdrivers, bigot!
That's the spirit!!!!!
Indeed. Aren't you proud?
California mosque vandalized, Ground Zero mentioned
You've(we've) found our cause!!!! Sign his(our) petition!!!!
Submitted for your approval!
The Wages of Hitch
Two whole paragraphs!
Always find it amusing that when I see larger numbers for the comments - turns out to be trolls ... never fails.
blah blah blah blah - oh and blah.
Sigh - no real conversation - just baiting. Some of you must not have anything better to do with your time then to beat your head against a wall. Seriously. Apparently have no real idea of how to have an intelligent conversation since all I see are inflammatory statements and name calling. Only hearing what you think you hear, not actually listening - pointless really.
Oh well.
"I used to post using my real name, which happens to be of Jewish origin, and my family and me [sic] were harassed"
Lol. Is this the same guy who harassed you into anonymity for liking Zappa? What an odd little man you are.
"a rabid anti-Semetic Hitchens fan who liked him because of his Clinton book. Funny how that works, isn't it?"
Funny how you give a clear pass to all the anti-Semitic hate drivel, truther spiels, anti-immigrant generally, and anti-Pakistani specifically, nonsense that bubbles up many a time and oft at Hitchens Watch. Funny that. Hilarious.
Funny how you give a clear pass to all the anti-Semitic hate drivel, truther spiels, anti-immigrant generally, and anti-Pakistani specifically, nonsense that bubbles up many a time and oft at Hitchens Watch. Funny that. Hilarious.
I looked over there and they really have a lack of principals.
"Cancer Man"! very shocking! It doesn't surprise me they say all of the other vulgar stuff. Why do they hate Hitchens so much?
Lol. Is this the same guy who harassed you into anonymity for liking Zappa? What an odd little man you are.
Not Zappa, but it's telling to see you support online harassment.
Funny how you give a clear pass to all the anti-Semitic hate drivel, truther spiels, anti-immigrant generally, and anti-Pakistani specifically, nonsense that bubbles up many a time and oft at Hitchens Watch. Funny that. Hilarious.
While I reject your characterization of the site and my actions or lack of them in general, you are the clown who wrote a weepy letter to the management accusing them of blocking you for supposedly being a Jew when it was just Haloscan acting up. Paranoia may destroy ya!
I looked over there and they really have a lack of principals. [sic]
I haven't had one since I graduated high school and went to uni!
"Cancer Man"! very shocking!
Joke! went! over! your! head?
I'm(we're) hilarious!!!!
Futrhermore(sic) God Favors Mediocrities
I(we) correct spelling because I(we) went to uni!!! And I(we) was(were) a(-) magna cum laude scholar(s)!!!! And, most important, I(we) use exclamation points because I(we) am(are) a(-) pathetic internet shut-in(s)!!!!
Message to Michael Enright
FGFM has a point on Muslim cab drivers being forced to drive around with a slogan they find offensive. Its a similar situation to the Christian bus driver in London who refused to drive during "Theres probably no God" campaign.
However this obviously brings up issues related to secularism. Muslims shouldnt have to drive cabs with Christian slogans, vice-versa any combination possible.
Nothing would infuriate me more as a card carrying anti-theist to be forced in my work to support some depraved religiously grounded "moral" stance.
Thanks for sharing.
And, Thanks For Sharing!!!!! Indeed!!!! ARen't you proud!!!
FGFM, ma'am. Please continue whatever it is you're doing. You're very dear to me and I really need your input. Whenever I feel like checking for Hitchens news, it's really useful to me to find comments from attention-seeking strangers looking to gain a feeling of importance by posting nonsense comments in order to trick people into visiting that shitty little sewer of a blog of yours. Thanks a lot. Kisses and hugs.
Oh snap!
Message to Michael Enright
I heard he was a very not-so-xenophoboc guy but why did he do it?
Myabe some people just behave crazy!
He is not like Hitchens who would never do such a horrible thing.
FGFM's repeated posting of a terrible and deplorable violent hate-crime without comprehensible comment on his part must be assumed to be an honest attempt at making some point, rather than a good-willed inclination to keep some parts of the internet up-to-date with the goings-on in other parts of the internet.
Sadly, however, though FGFM indeed went to a sort-of-kind-of university (uni!), he does not really have too robust an understanding of the difference between anecdote and statistics, and is, essentially, not much more sophisticated at the art of debate than those unhappy souls who wave about pictures of foetuses in various states of disrepair.
Though statistics, argument, grammar, and articulation constitute the chinks in his Troll armour, it is his fine weave of hypocrisy that makes him unconquerably insufferable.
Take, for instance, this recent and mild anecdotal example:
FGFM, our hero, mocks Hitchens for mentioning that Hitchens "heard" that a taxi-cab driver of Muslim origin declined to allow a nice-lady of non-Muslim persuasion to enter his vehicle with her "unclean" (theological or otherwise) dog.
Now, this is of course a rather weak and crumbly little nugget on Hitchens' part, and fair-game for some easy mockery and criticism, however, the ever witless FGFM sneers merely at its hearsay-ishness.
Two comments later, FGFM mentions that he heard, and thus is in a position to duly spread, the rather nasty rumour, or insinuation, that Hitchens off-mike encourages youths to join the armed forces.
As I said, FGFM is comically lacking in self-awareness, and, necessarily, all the attributes that duly flow from that: irony, wit, friends, etc.
See my(our) arguably coherent latest at The Watch!!! Hitch slashes Muslim cabbies for fun!!! Or would do if he wasn't cancer-ridden!!! Indecent true equivalence!!! Aren't you proud, Cubs fans!!!
Oy. Leave the pathetic Hitchens obsessed psycho alone. He lives to feel your anger. Imagine how sad his life must be...
Two comments later, FGFM mentions that he heard, and thus is in a position to duly spread, the rather nasty rumour, or insinuation, that Hitchens off-mike encourages youths to join the armed forces.
You think that Hitchens is anti-military or something?
Aren’t you proud of General Honore? Are you not proud? Are you not proud that a man born—that a man born into segregation and discrimination is leading really hard professional, tough, generous, brave men and women in uniform for the recovery of New Orleans and all the time has a son in Fallujah and seems to think he can manage both? I think it’s hugely to the credit of the United States armed forces that they would consider it ignoble to abandon their commitments in Sadr City and in Halabja and elsewhere. Ignoble and parochial and provincial...
And we have no right whatever to insult the tremendous performance of the United States armed forces once they’re put into action. I will add one more thing. The 82nd airborne and first air cavalry so far from being distracted by Iraq, have learned in Iraq matters of civil reconstruction, water distribution, purification, that have been extremely useful to them in New Orleans. The case—the case, don’t—I would advise you not to jeer at these men and women while you’re being televised, ladies and gentlemen. I would advise you not to do it....
Hitch slashes Muslim cabbies for fun!!!
No, he let's other people do his dirty work for him.
Of course! And indeed! Just like you(we) let Greywolf do your(our) 9-11 truthing for you(us)!
"You think that Hitchens is anti-military or something?"
No, I don't. Not in the slightest.
It appears that you have missed the point quite badly. How terrifically embarrassing!
It appears that you have missed the point quite badly. How terrifically embarrassing!
Decent declares victory!
Decent declares victory!
Loser addmits defeat!
Loser addmits [sic] defeat!
Well played.
"Well played"
FGFM immediately previous attempt at a coherent sentence:
"No, he let's [sic] other people do his dirty work for him."
Well played, Sir.
Let us laugh at the Mouse of the Midway.
Well played, Sir.
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