Mail Online
By John Preston
The Christopher Hitchens who stares out of the cover of this book is a very different-looking figure to the one who appeared on all his other books. He’s thinner for a start - much thinner. And so is his hair. The once-thick brown mop has gone and in its place is a light dusting of frizz
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Los Angeles Times
Review: Christopher Hitchens stays contrarian in 'Mortality'
By David L. Ulin
For all that literature is an art of self-exposure, writers tend to back away from impending death. The shelf of firsthand looks at what Janet Hobhouse called "this dying business" is a short one —,0,6090416.story
The Miami Herald
Hitch’s losing battle
By Ariel Gonzalez
By all means, let us speak ill of the dead. Christopher Hitchens would have it no other way. He wore out soles from dancing on graves. Among the famously departed he dissed were Princess Diana (“a simpering Bambi narcissist”), Mother Teresa (“a thieving, fanatical Albanian dwarf”), and Ronald Reagan (“an obvious phony and loon”).
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The Huffington Post
The Imperfect Pleasure of Reading Christopher Hitchens
By Wayne K. Spear
The author known chiefly from his 1949 work Nineteen Eighty-Four was by turns a police officer, tramp, gardener and soldier, as well as a broadcaster -- his depiction of the Ministry of Truth drawing upon the BBC building in which he broadcast a literary radio program.
Plus Excerpt via Publishers Weekly
What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

Yahoo! News
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Mortality reviews 2
August 31, 2012Posted by Tom at 14:15 0 comments
Labels: 2012, book review, cancer, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality
Death, Explained
August 29, 2012Christopher Hitchens’ Mortality: A rare honest book about death.
By Katie Roiphe
Before being diagnosed with esophageal cancer, Christopher Hitchens wrote in his memoir, Hitch-22, “I want to stare death in the eye.”
This seems, of course, an impossible blustery task, but in his last book, Mortality he comes astonishingly close to pulling it off.
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Posted by Tom at 21:30 0 comments
Labels: 2012, book, cancer, Christopher Hitchens, death, Mortality, Slate
The PEN/Diamonstein-Spielvogel Award for Art of the Essay
2012 Winner: Arguably
"Arguably is a book of essays astonishingly wide-ranging and provocative, taking on everything from Middle Eastern politics to Thomas Jefferson and Prince Charles, from Lolita and Ezra Pound to Hitler, Saul Bellow and Hugo Boss."
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Martin Amis: Still talking to Hitch
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1977 |
Author Martin Amis on coping with the loss of his best friend Christopher Hitchens.
When Christopher Hitchens died in December, Martin Amis lost his best friend. The British author says his immediate desolation gave way to a much greater love of life, something Amis believes Hitchens had in spades and bequeathed to him when he passed away.
Watch video here.
Posted by Tom at 07:32 0 comments
Labels: 2012, Christopher Hitchens, Martin Amis
Mortality reviews
August 26, 2012The Guardian
Daily Mail Online
There has been a recent spate of books written by men suffering from terminal cancer. Mortality by Christopher Hitchens is, by my reckoning, the third this year, the others being When I Die by the New Labour PR Philip Gould, and Until Further Notice, I Am Alive by the art critic Tom Lubbock.
No one who might have glanced over back in December at a post on my now defunct political blog, Orwell’s Hanky, about the death of Christopher Hitchens, will labor through this review with any misapprehensions regarding objectivity. I’ve grown to become very comfortable in the position that no review (or even, honestly, rather much journalism of any sort) can or should reach for objectivity.
Posted by Tom at 17:38 0 comments
Labels: 2012, book, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality, review

MORTALITY is the exemplary story of one man's refusal to cower in the face of the unknown, as well as a searching look at the human predicament. Crisp and vivid, veined throughout with penetrating intelligence, Hitchens's testament is a courageous and lucid work of literature, an affirmation of the dignity and worth of man.
Posted by Tom at 17:11 0 comments
Labels: 2012, book, Christopher Hitchens, Mortality
Christopher Hitchens: an impossible act to follow
August 25, 2012The Telegraph
By Carol Blue
Onstage, my husband was an impossible act to follow.
If you ever saw him at the podium, you may not share Richard Dawkins’s assessment that “he was the greatest orator of our time”, but you will know what I mean – or at least you won’t think, “She would say that, she’s his wife.”
Offstage, my husband was an impossible act to follow.
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Posted by Tom at 08:22 0 comments
Labels: 2012, cancer, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, the telegraph
The “unpublished jottings” of Christopher Hitchens
August 23, 2012By Christopher Hitchens and David Plotz
Posted by Tom at 13:32 2 comments
Labels: 2012, cancer, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, David Plotz, Mortality
'I am not fighting or battling cancer - it is fighting me'
August 19, 2012As he faced death from cancer, author and journalist Christopher Hitchens kept his wry sense of humour to the very end, it emerged today.
He used a hospital food tray as a desk for his computer to record his last thoughts about the illness which claimed his life at 62.
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Posted by Tom at 08:27 0 comments
Labels: 2012, battle, cancer, Carol Blue, Christopher Hitchens, Daily Mail, Peter Hitchens