We know that Pakistan's intelligence service is aiding terrorists. What are we going to do about it?
By Christopher Hitchens
In Joseph Heller's Catch-22, Lt. Milo Minderbinder transforms the mess accounts of the American airbase under his care into a "syndicate" under whose terms all servicemen are potential stakeholders. But this prince of entrepreneurs and middlemen eventually becomes overexposed, especially after some incautious forays into Egyptian cotton futures, and is forced to resort to some amoral subterfuges.
More: http://www.slate.com/id/2304641/
What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

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Vanity Fair Christopher Hitchens—the incomparable critic, masterful rhetorician, fiery wit, and fearless bon vivant—died today at the ag...
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Thomas Jefferson

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Pakistan Is the Enemy
September 26, 2011Posted by Tom at 19:05 0 comments
Labels: 2011, Barack Obama, Christopher Hitchens, enemy, ISI, Pakistan, Slate, terrorists
Hitchens in Houston, October 8, 2011
September 23, 2011Atheist Alliance of America
"Christopher Hitchens has confirmed his intent go attend the AAA Convention in Houston on October 8th, to receive the Richard Dawkins Award for Freethinker of the Year. He will also be available to sign copies of his new book "Arguably", which will be for sale at the Convention."
Inside the Orgone Box
The New York Times - Sunday Book Review
Christopher Hitchens reviews
How the Sexual Revolution Came to America
By Christopher Turner
In the classic confessional memoir “The God That Failed,” Arthur Koestler describes some of the characters who made up the constituency of his Communist Party group in Berlin in the early 1930s: “Among other members of our cell, I remember Dr. Wilhelm Reich. He . . . had just published a book called ‘The Function of the Orgasm,’ in which he had expounded the theory that the sexual frustration of the proletariat caused a thwarting of its political consciousness; only through a full, uninhibited release of the sexual urge could the working class realize its revolutionary potentialities and historic mission; the whole thing was less cockeyed than it sounds.”
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Knock-down brilliance
Arguably by Christopher Hitchens - The Independent
Review by Fred Inglis
Arguably? Arguably? Christopher Hitchens uses the phrase often enough of course, but strictly as Humpty Dumpty does, when Alice tells him she doesn't know what he means. Humpty Dumpty smiles contemptuously. "Of course you don't – till I tell you. I meant, 'there's a nice knockdown argument for you'." "Till I tell you": that's the point.
Read more
Posted by Tom at 09:16 1 comments
Labels: 2011, Arguably, book review, Christopher Hitchens, The Independent
Staking a Life
September 22, 2011By Christopher Hitchens
Arthur Koestler opened his polemic against capital punishment in Britain by saying that the island nation was that quaint and antique place where citizens drove on the left hand side of the road, drank warm beer, made a special eccentricity of the love of animals, and had felons “hanged by the neck until they are dead.” Those closing words—from the formula by which a capital sentence was ritually announced by a heavily bewigged judge—conveyed in their satisfyingly terminal tones much of the flavor and relish of the business of judicially inflicted death.
More: http://www.laphamsquarterly.org/essays/christopher-hitchens-staking-a-life.php?page=all
Posted by Tom at 15:27 6 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Death penalty, execution
Christopher Hitchens debates Barry Brummett, Part 1
September 20, 2011Debate between Christopher Hitchens and Dr. Barry Brummett (Chair, Department of Communication Studies, University of Texas at Austin) on the resolution "Religion has been a positive force in culture," June 4, 2011.
Posted by Tom at 16:12 10 comments
Labels: 2011, atheism, Barry Brummett, Christopher Hitchens, debate, religion
In Defense of Endless War
As 9/11 showed, civilization has enemies with which peace is neither possible nor desirable.
By Christopher Hitchens
A continuous and repetitive thread in the commentary on the decade since 9/11—one might almost call it an endless and open-ended theme—was the plaintive observation that the struggle against al-Qaida and its surrogates is somehow a "war without end."
Read More: http://www.slate.com/id/2304120/
Posted by Tom at 15:44 0 comments
Labels: 2011, 9/11, Afghanistan, al-Qaida, Bosnia, Christopher Hitchens, Iraq, Slate, war
Think Inc Update
We have just received word from Christopher Hitchens' management.
He had a medical emergency over the weekend but is now back at home and is doing ok, all things considered. He was not available to communicate before this morning. He is quite upset that he missed this event as he has never had to cancel at the very last minute before.
Posted by Tom at 15:16 5 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Think Inc
V.F. Portrait: Joan Didion
September 17, 2011In The Year of Magical Thinking, the 2005 best-seller, Joan Didion dissected the trauma of losing her husband, John Gregory Dunne. With Blue Nights, to be published in November by Knopf, she agonizingly explores the heavier blow that followed: the death of their daughter, Quintana Roo.
Christopher Hitchens contemplates a tragic achievement.
Posted by Tom at 08:20 1 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Joan Didion, Vanity Fair
Arguably by Christopher Hitchens: review
September 16, 2011The Telegraph | Christopher Hitchens’s provocative journalism is greater than the sum of its parts, argues Nicholas Shakespeare as he reviews Arguably.
Every generation tends to look silly to the one after; those beehive hairdos, those chain smokers. Reacting to previous experience, we don’t make progress, necessarily. Vicars have randy daughters and randy daughters give birth to boys who in turn become vicars.
More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/bookreviews/8765444/Arguably-by-Christopher-Hitchens-review.html
Posted by Tom at 05:25 6 comments
Labels: 2011, Arguably, book review, Christopher Hitchens, Essays, Nicholas Shakespear, the telegraph
Man of His Words
September 10, 2011The New York Times | Sunday Book Review
"Anyone who occasionally opens one of our more serious periodicals has learned that the byline of Christopher Hitchens is an opportunity to be delighted or maddened — possibly both — but in any case not to be missed. He is our intellectual omnivore, exhilarating and infuriating, if not in equal parts at least with equal wit."
Don't miss the Book Review Podcast (Bill Keller on the career of Christopher Hitchens).
From 9/11 to the Arab spring
By Christopher Hitchens
Three men: Mohamed Bouazizi, Abu-Abdel Monaam Hamedeh, and Ali Mehdi Zeu – a Tunisian street vendor, an Egyptian restaurateur and a Libyan husband and father. In the spring of 2011, the first of them set himself alight in the town of Sidi Bouzid, in protest at just one too many humiliations at the hands of petty officialdom. The second also took his own life as Egyptians began to rebel en masse at the stagnation and meaninglessness of Mubarak's Egypt.
Posted by Tom at 08:11 7 comments
Labels: 2011, 9/11, Arab spring, Christopher Hitchens, Egypt, Guardian, Libya, Tunisia
There's just one Hitch
September 7, 2011LAST year, just before he was diagnosed with advanced oesophageal cancer, Christopher Hitchens published the unexpectedly moving memoir Hitch-22.
"I soon enough realised when young," he revealed in that book, "that I did not have the true 'stuff' for [writing] fiction and poetry. And I was very fortunate indeed to have, as contemporaries, several practitioners of those arts who made it obvious to me, without unduly rubbing in the point, that I would be wasting my time if I tried."
As a journalist, Hitchens has done everything with his time except waste it. He has made himself the key writer of the post-9/11 age. No novelist or poet has registered the texture of the past decade as pungently as Hitchens has in the essay form.
Simply Evil
September 5, 2011By Christopher Hitchens
The proper task of the "public intellectual" might be conceived as the responsibility to introduce complexity into the argument: the reminder that things are very infrequently as simple as they can be made to seem. But what I learned in a highly indelible manner from the events and arguments of September 2001 was this: Never, ever ignore the obvious either.
Posted by Tom at 05:28 53 comments
Labels: 2011, 9/11, al-Qaida, Christopher Hitchens, Islam, muslim, Simply Evil, Slate
Arguably: Essays by Christopher Hitchens
September 1, 2011Reviewed by Vinton Rafe McCabe / New York Journal of Books
“Christopher Hitches has the eye of a painter and the literary skill of a novelist. He infuses his essays with the same narrative thrust that can be found in the most addictive fiction.”
"Arguably: Essays by Christopher Hitchens proves as mercurial as the man himself; it is at times infuriating, tedious, educational, gloriously candid, and completely hilarious. The man has an opinion on everything—literally everything from the genius of Charles Dickens to the virtues of masturbation."
Read review here (nyjournalofbooks.com)
3 min. audio clip from Arguably, read by Simon Prebble: http://www.emusic.com/listen/#/audiobooks/book/Christopher-Hitchens-Arguably-MP3-Download/10103043.html
Posted by Tom at 21:32 2 comments
Labels: 2011, Arguably, Christopher Hitchens, Essays, New York Journal of Books, review
2012 Global Atheist Convention
Tickets on sale now!
Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett
Lawrence Krauss..