Our failure to respond to the Serbian atrocities prolonged the slaughter.
By Christopher Hitchens
"I suppose it is possible that the arrest of Gen. Ratko Mladic is as undramatic and uncomplicated as it seems and that in recent years he had been off the active list and gradually became a mumbling old derelict with a rather nasty line in veterans' reminiscences. His demands would probably have been modest and few: the odd glass of slivovitz in company with a sympathetic priest (it's usually the Serbian Orthodox Church.. "
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What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

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Vanity Fair Christopher Hitchens—the incomparable critic, masterful rhetorician, fiery wit, and fearless bon vivant—died today at the ag...
By Christopher Hitchens "I am sometimes asked whether I ever get tired of debating the faithful. There are two reasons why I never do...
Clips from the HitchFry event at Royal Festival Hall, Nov 9. Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie, Richard Dawkins http://www.newslook.com/channel...
In Britain, the Guardian takes on Rupert Murdoch's cynical view of what newspaper readers want to read. By Christopher Hitchens ...
By Peter Hitchens "It's amusing, if frustrating, to see the response of dogmatic unbelievers to my brother's thoughtful and ...
By Christopher Hitchens E ver since I was felled in mid-book tour this summer, I have adored and seized all chances to play catch-up and...
Funeral and Memorial arrangements By Peter Hitchens Some people have asked me when and where my brother’s funeral took place. In fact, a...
Friday, November 26, 2010. Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, Canada. The official resolution, "Be it resolved, religion is a force of good for...
Men like Bishop Eddie Long are fouling the legacy of the civil rights movement. By Christopher Hitchens " Passing through Union Stati...

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Baruch Spinoza

George Orwell

Bertrand Russell

Leon Trotsky

Rosa Luxemburg

Mladic the Monster
May 30, 2011Posted by Tom at 21:46 7 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Ratko Mladic, Serbia, Slate
Rockstar with a voice
May 28, 2011UPDATE ! "Please note: due to Christopher Hitchens' health challenges, he will be participating in the debate via video link rather than in person."
WATERLOO — Barry Brummett says he isn’t a rock star but Christopher Hitchens practically is. The two men are to take the stage at the Humanities Theatre at the University of Waterloo for a debate at a sold-out full house on June 4.
Debaters will address the topic: Religion, as a literary value, is a force of good. The debate will be moderated by the host of CBC Radio One’s Q, Jian Ghomeshi.
Full article (TheRecord.com)
Refutations from a Stalinist Commissar-Lookalike
May 24, 2011This response to a response to a response to a response takes George Scialabba and Noam Chomsky to task for seemingly hasty analogies and false accusations.
By Christopher Hitchens
"George Scialabba confidently and effectively re-states the differences between Noam Chomsky and myself as they stood almost ten years ago. In my more recent article for Slate, however, I had briefly sought to bring attention to some fresh disagreements (at any rate new to me) arising from Chomsky’s comments on the killing of Osama bin Laden."
Read more (guernicamag.com)
Posted by Tom at 19:10 11 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, George Scialabba, Guernica, Noam Chomsky
Want To Stop Nuclear Proliferation? Encourage Democracy.
Ignore the shady people promoting sinister theories to the contrary.
By Christopher Hitchens
"It's very unpleasant to be given lectures on good behavior by the profiteers of nuclear proliferation, but if you can hold still and swallow your vomit, there are lessons to be learned from the exposure to it."
Read more (Slate)
Beaucoup B.S.
May 18, 2011The DSK case and the silly stereotypes about American and European morals.
By Christopher Hitchens
"Why is that we cannot read any discussion of a political sex scandal, or a sex scandal involving a politician, without pseudo-sophisticated comments about the supposedly different morals of Americans and Europeans? And why is it that this goes double if the politician is French, or if the reactions being quoted are from Gallic sources?"
Read more (Slate)
Posted by Tom at 19:18 10 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Dominique Strauss Kahn, IMF, Slate
The Enemy (Kindle Single) $1.99
May 16, 2011Kindle Exclusive "..Hitchens reflects upon the life and death of Osama bin Laden in this sobering Kindle Single."
If you don't have Kindle, download free 'Kindle for PC' installer here.
Kindle also available on other various devices and platforms.
Amazon Product Description:
In a brilliant essay on the death of Osama bin Laden, Christopher Hitchens insists that the necessity to resist the threat of theocratic fanaticism is by no means cancelled. Hitchens argues that bin Laden and his adherents represented the most serious and determined and bloodthirsty attempt to revive totalitarian and racist ideology since 1945.
Read more (amazon)
Posted by Tom at 17:25 13 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Kindle, Osama bin Laden, The Enemy
The Four Horsemen of the Anti-Apocalypse Reunite in 2012
May 14, 2011The Global Atheist Convention will be held once again at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from 13 - 15 April 2012.
More info: atheistfoundation.org.au and http://www.atheistconvention.org.au/
Posted by Tom at 18:51 14 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris
Egypt: Islamism Meets Realism
FREE INQUIRY April/May 2011
"I don’t think that a single newspaper or magazine article on Egypt has ever failed to mention the presence, in the wings of Egyptian politics, of the Muslim Brother hood. It’s one of those learned references that is de rigueur for every commentator and analyst. Yet it was notable, as both the Egyptian and the Tunisian regimes began to crumble in January, that the local branches and equivalents of the Brother hood seemed to be as thunderstruck as everyone else."
Read more (secularhumanism.org)
The Pacifists and the Trenches
May 13, 2011The New York Times - Sunday Book Review
By Christopher Hitchens
"Woodrow Wilson’s fatuous claim about the European war of 1914-18 — sarcastically annexed by Adam Hochschild for the title of this moving and important book — was an object of satire and contempt even as it was being uttered. “A peace to end peace,” commented Sir Alfred Milner, that powerhouse of the British war cabinet, as he surveyed the terms of the Versailles treaty that supposedly brought the combat to a close."
Read more (nytimes.com)
Noam Chomsky responds to Hitchens' criticism
Original post (syracuse.com)
Posted by Tom at 22:04 36 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Noam Chomsky, Osama bin Laden
Red Rosa
May 10, 2011The writings of the martyred socialist Rosa Luxemburg give a plaintive view of history’s paths not taken.
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted by Tom at 22:15 7 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Rosa Luxemburg, The Atlantic
Think Inc 2011
Neil deGrasse Tyson, Christopher Hitchens, Michael Shermer, Ayaan Hirsi Ali...
"Due to his ongoing battle with esophageal cancer, Christopher will be appearing live via video link from New York."
More info (thinkinc.org.au)
Posted by Tom at 15:38 2 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Melbourne, Think Inc
Award winning columns and favorite authors
Vanity Fair
Christopher Hitchens Wins National Magazine Award for Columns About Cancer http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2011/05/christopher-hitchens-wins-national-magazine-award-for-columns-about-cancer.html
Audio: Christopher Hitchen’s Favorite Authors
Posted by Tom at 15:18 0 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Ellie, National Magazine Award, Vanity Fair
Chomsky's Follies
May 9, 2011By Christopher Hitchens
"Anybody visiting the Middle East in the last decade has had the experience: meeting the hoarse and aggressive person who first denies that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center and then proceeds to describe the attack as a justified vengeance for decades of American imperialism."
Read more (Slate)
Posted by Tom at 21:55 12 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Noam Chomsky, Osama bin Laden, Slate
Unspoken Truths
By Christopher Hitchens
"Like so many of life’s varieties of experience, the novelty of a diagnosis of malignant cancer has a tendency to wear off. The thing begins to pall, even to become banal. One can become quite used to the specter of the eternal Footman, like some lethal old bore lurking in the hallway at the end of the evening, hoping for the chance to have a word. And I don’t so much object to his holding my coat in that marked manner, as if mutely reminding me that it’s time to be on my way. No, it’s the snickering that gets me down."
Read more (vanityfair.com)
Posted by Tom at 12:45 13 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Unspoken Truths, Vanity Fair
Christopher Hitchens opens his diary
May 6, 2011The Spectator, 7 May 2011 issue
"I abhor the idea of taking a mobile-phone call at the dinner table but my friend Douglas Brinkley, eminent historian and editor (of Ronald Reagan and Hunter Thompson alike) has three small children and when his wife calls he rightly answers. So on Sunday night in Houston, Texas, at the home of the bountiful Michael and Nina Zilkha, we got an early notice that the President would soon be on the air."
Read More (spectator.co.uk)
Posted by Tom at 15:04 2 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, diary, Osama bin Laden, the spectator
Death of a Madman
May 2, 2011What Obama does next will help define the legacy of Osama Bin Laden.
By Christopher Hitchens
"There are several pleasant little towns like Abbottabad in Pakistan, strung out along the roads that lead toward the mountains from Rawalpindi (the garrison town of Pakistani's military brass and, until 2003, a safe-house for Khalid Sheik Muhammed). Muzaffarabad, Abbottabad … cool in summer and winter, with majestic views and discreet amenities."
Read More (Slate)
Posted by Tom at 17:56 14 comments
Labels: 2011, Christopher Hitchens, Death of a Madman, Osama bin Laden, Slate