March 23, 2010. David Wolpe and Christopher Hitchens debate religion, faith,God at John Hancock Hall, Boston, MA. (1/9) Play All Videos (9)
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Vanity Fair Christopher Hitchens—the incomparable critic, masterful rhetorician, fiery wit, and fearless bon vivant—died today at the ag...
By Christopher Hitchens "I am sometimes asked whether I ever get tired of debating the faithful. There are two reasons why I never do...
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David Wolpe and Christopher Hitchens: The Great God Debate
March 31, 2010Posted by Tom at 17:01 3 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, David Wolpe, The Great God Debate
Christopher Hitchens on Morning Joe, March 30, 2010
March 30, 2010Posted by Tom at 19:40 4 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, morning joe
Hitchens & Bill Donohue on FOX
March 29, 2010Hitchens and Donohue give their views on the Catholic sex abuse scandals.
Posted by Tom at 09:18 5 comments
Labels: 2010, Bill Donohue, Christopher Hitchens, fox
Hitchens on Real Time w Bill Maher, March 26, 2010.
March 27, 2010Christopher Hitchens discusses the sex abuse scandals in the Catholic Church and U.S foreign policy with Bill Maher.
Posted by Tom at 08:47 1 comments
Labels: 2010, Bill maher, Christopher Hitchens
The Hitchens Brothers 1998
March 20, 2010via MuggedByReality. Christopher & Peter Hitchens discuss current events in 1998. (1/6) (Parts 2-6)
Posted by Tom at 07:32 1 comments
Labels: 1998, c-span, Christopher Hitchens, Peter Hitchens
Hitchens interview
March 15, 2010Christopher Hitchens interviewed in Los Angeles on March 2, 2010. He talks about U.S foreign policy, Afghanistan, Islam, death, and evolution. (1/3) (2/3) (3/3) via DrAnonymous25
Posted by Tom at 10:32 4 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens
Daniel Pearl Memorial Lecture at UCLA, Q&A
March 6, 2010Christopher Hitchens takes questions from audience during his March 3, 2010, Daniel Pearl Memorial Lecture at UCLA.
Salman Rushdie and Friends in Conversation: The Only Subject is Love
March 5, 2010Emory University on February 26, 2010. Novelist Sir Salman Rushdie, Emory professor Dr. Deepika Bahri, filmmaker Deepa Mehta and Christopher Hitchens discuss love, sex, writing, stories and friendship.
Posted by Tom at 11:30 0 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, Deepa Mehta, Deepika Bahri, Salman Rushdie
Christopher Hitchens at Emory University
Christopher Hitchens participated in 'The Only Subject is Love' Symposium in honor of the opening of his friend Salman Rushdie's archive at Emory University on February 26, 2010.
Posted by Tom at 05:55 0 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, Emory University
Christopher Hitchens on The Ten Commandments
Hitchens is re-chiseling The Ten Commandments and gives us The New Commandments. This video presentation is included in the Vanity Fair article. Read the article here.
Posted by Tom at 07:43 1 comments
Labels: 2010, Christopher Hitchens, The Ten Commandments, Vanity Fair
Christopher Hitchens on Real Time, 2003
March 3, 2010Aired August 1, 2003. Christopher Hitchens on a panel with Tara Setmayer and Alec Baldwin. They discuss gay marriages, Iraq, why democratic members of the state legislature keep fleeing Texas and Governor Gray Davis. (1/3) (2/3) (3/3)
Posted by Tom at 21:27 1 comments
Labels: 2003, Alec Baldwin, Christopher Hitchens, Tara Setmayer
1 GOD MORE ( Dawkins Hitchens Harris Dennett )
March 2, 2010Here's nice song from kansaimagic.
Posted by Tom at 16:39 8 comments
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The Daily Hitch Forum has been created. Guest posting is allowed.
Posted by Tom at 14:06 3 comments