Dialogue with civility: Religion and God

February 28, 2011

Colorado State University

The debate over religion and its impact on society
Christopher Hitchens and Dinesh D’Souza will engage each other in a rousing debate about religion and their respective thoughts on the consequences of religious faith on society. The world renowned authors will discuss their viewpoints on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 in the Lory Student Center Main Ballrooms at 7 p.m.

More Info: http://events.colostate.edu/event_view.asp?EID=34503&ID=7&cTYPE=1&month=4&year=2011&cate


capetonian said...

I have been to the site to try and establish if the debate will be recorded. Could not find contact details i.e. email address. I live in Cape Town, South Africa and follow Christopher Hitchens avidly...a big fan! Could somebody on your side enquire, please? Thanks. Mike

I'm looking forward to the debate - but I'm puzzled as to why nobody ever refers to the question as to whether biological benefits exist of adhering to spiritual principles, or, of greed and materialism.

This is surely the only basis on which the benefits can be judged. Why does genisu normally come from humble, unassuming backgroudns, and why are so many wealthy families the cradle for psychopaths?

This question is never addressed, never researched, and never concluded. So the debate is always "is religion good? No, I don't like the bad bits, and I say it isn't" and the other, "well, I like the good bits, and I say it is!" What can be asserted without biological proof can certainly be dismissed without biological proof!

Amber Oritz said...


I go to CSU and I will be at the debate. I will speak to someone and see if it will be recorded!


Christopher reads from Hitch-22: A Memoir