Hitchens on Mortality

August 6, 2010


Anonymous said...

This interviewer does a shitty job with Hitch.

Michael said...

This is awkward stuff. Goldberg really sucks. These were the best questions he could come up with? Amis looks like he just wants him to go away.

Mary said...

Christopher, I am a cancer survivor and I want you to know that passivity is not the only option, and that there are ways to struggle if you can manage it. Some things I did: 1. soak up all the support and sympathy you can from your friends and family. I mean really milk it. Accept gifts of candy and magazines and DVDs and funny greeting cards.
2. Indulge in anything that makes you laugh. Especially with your favorite people. If you don't have the energy for the people, read books and go to websites -- find whatever you can laugh at.
3. This may seem irrational and mystical, but: talk to your immune system. I would lie in bed at night visualizing my T cells fighting the cancer cells, encouraging them. Your immune system IS struggling, so maybe this helps. I don't know, except that mind and body are connected, after all, in some ways that remain mysterious.
I'm not praying for you to anything or anyone, but I am sending you good thoughts of love and support.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that I can think of would I face cancer is to eat tons of broccoli.. I don't know, but some stories seem to suggest that it has anti-cancer properties to it so I would, if not for anything at least as an act of desperation try it out.

Anonymous said...

Goldberg should be ashamed of himself. Unutterably unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

Yes, bloody awful interviewer, that's no way to talk to a dying man. The sensitivity of a plank of wood.

Anonymous said...

my internet connection is too slow!

Anonymous said...

The interviewer was a buffoon. I don't know why Hitchens granted him an interview.

John said...

As someone who doesn't live in the United States, can someone tell me how Jeffrey Goldberg occupies the position in the US media he does? His shoddy reporting in the New Yorker beating the war drums was appalling. From this video, he seems to be an intellectual pygmy, as well as unpleasant company.

Surely Hitchens is not actually friends with him?

Anonymous said...

Agreed, just an awful interviewer. "Well, actually you have no idea how I'm going to die." I cringed when Goldberg said this; was Hitchens's point not obvious?


Christopher reads from Hitch-22: A Memoir